
Bei ihrer Arbeit mit autistischen jungen Menschen und ihren Betreuern vollbringen Bruno (Vincent Cassel) und Malik (Reda Kateb) tagtäglich kleine Wunder: Mit viel Engagement, Feingefühl und Humor gelingt es den beiden, aus vielen unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten eine Gemeinschaft zu formen, in der jeder Einzelne die Chance bekommt, über sich hinaus zu wachsen. (PROKINO)


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Deutsch Die Macher von Ziemlich beste Freunde haben sich diesmal von Tetraplegikern in die Welt der Autisten begeben, und obwohl ich von ihrem früheren Werk - sowohl auf ernster als auch auf humorvoller Ebene - mehr angetan war, ist Alles außer gewöhnlich dennoch ein solide gemachter Film mit einer starken Geschichte, zivilen Darstellern und einem wirklich wunderbaren Soundtrack, der Licht und Hoffnung in dieses traurige Thema bringt. Die Betreuung autistischer Menschen ist eine langwierige Angelegenheit - ein Moment der Unachtsamkeit kann zur Katastrophe führen. Den Regisseuren ist es gelungen, dem Publikum dieses Thema auf natürliche Weise näher zu bringen, und sie haben es wieder einmal geschafft, ein starkes Thema aus dem Leben in einen guten Film umzusetzen. ()


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Deutsch Sehen Sie es? So wird eine tatsächlich tiefgründige Geschichte über Menschen erzählt. Dies hat bereits in diesem Jahr Der Glanz der Unsichtbaren, angedeutet, aber Nakache und Toledano machten hieraus etwas hitverdächtiges, was Potential hat auch außerhalb Frankreichs zu fungieren. Die zwei Hitmaker behandeln das komplexe Thema der Betreuung von an Autismus leidenden Kindern wird von den zwei Hitmakern mit Leichtigkeit, was keinesfalls einer Exploatation gleichkommt. Der Film setzt ein großartiges Tempo an, hat einen tollen Galgenhumor, ein starkes Hauptpaar und ist in der Lage, ein appelatives Pathos unter einem realistischen und zivilen Ton zu verbergen. Die Botschaft ist derart ernst und das Thema so aktuell, dass man sogar eine sich langziehende (Nicht-)Pointe vergibt. Und fast sind wir da schon auch am Ziel angelangt. Obwohl wir ja eigentlich noch gar nicht da sind. Ich bin auf eine gesunde sowie unzynische Art und Weise gerührt von einem Film, der sich weigert zu glauben, dass Dinge bereits seit Langem verloren sind und dass es sich nicht lohnt, verlorene Schlachten bis zum Ende zu durchzukämpfen. ()



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Englisch The duo of Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano are excellent directors, as they proved with their hit The Intouchables, and this is another powerful slice-of-life tale that manages to grab you by the heart at least in the last half hour. But I had trouble fully empathizing with the film, and that is partly due to a premise that is not so appealing. Vincent Cassel gives a great performance and it's good to see him in a different role than a villain (the scene when he is interrogated is Oscar-worthy). Surprisingly, the humour didn't work for me, I didn't laugh once and the topic itself unfortunately doesn't say anything to me, so I didn't have much fun. Even though the film qualities here are very high I can't give an above average rating. It is first of all a deep drama with a sensitive theme and I don't like that much. Story****, Action>No, Humor**, Violence>No, Entertainment***, Music****, Visuals****, Atmosphere***, Suspense*. 6.5/10. ()


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Englisch Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano are a guarantee of a powerful life story for me. The Intouchables and Samba are a clear proof of that. At the same time, they had one more job to do here – to prove that Vincent Cassel is not only an actor of villainous or inaccessible, but nevertheless ingenious roles, but also a kind person who can come across as likeable. To support this impression, there is a clip right in the beginning where Vincent thanks the Czech audience for coming to see his film to the theater. At that time it became clear that my relationship with Vincent had undergone an irrevocable change. The days when I perceived him as one of the greatest French actors of today, but at the same time as an annoying dick, were definitely over. The story of The Specials is just so powerful that you can’t dislike the characters. It’s just impossible. An incredibly powerful story, the introduction into the world of autism and people who want to help. And what’s more, they sacrifice their whole lives to this case. Even though it took me some time to understand what this film is about, in its second half I was experiencing true film pleasure, although mixed with sadness that there is such a hole in the system that people who want to help must sometimes do it illegally. I bow down before everyone who does this. Olivier and Eric are great directors and screenwriters. They’re able to make a film that doesn’t forcefully milk your emotions, but still offers you a certain fatal dimension in the story that not every screenwriter is able to pull off, and I am very thankful for that. ()


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Englisch While watching the movie, I wondered how Hollywood studios would deal with this particular subject matter. They would cast Tom Hanks in the lead role, and the tear-jerking script would be based on the most clichéd emotional manipulation, devoid of any unpleasant controversy, so the movie would end with a pathetic happy ending. Naturally, it would all revolve around lifeless relationship constructs. Fortunately, Nakache and Toledano took a different approach, which can be considered the opposite of the French hit The Intouchables. In the former case, they chose pure comedy, while this time they offer civility supported by slightly amusing moments. In The Intouchables, they used the motif of a social fairy tale, whereas this time their script is based on intimate knowledge of the environment and the issues of autism. The film doesn't pretend the impossible or claim that positive solutions exist where only stressful, thankless work helps, and assistants face endless risks living with their charges. The movie seeks to express appreciation for those who provide service to patients, and it is convincing in that regard. While The Intouchables was strong in terms of its story, The Specials put the characters and community in the foreground. The Specials is not an activist film in the traditional sense, meaning a film that stirs things up with the intention of fighting for something and achieving something. However, it is, in the best sense of the word, engaged in order to show a slice of society and the problems that we don't really want to see or deal with. The excellent cast, led by Vincent Cassel, underscores the film's quality. Overall impression: 90%. ()

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