47 Meters Down

  • USA 47 Meters Down (mehr)
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Während ihres Mexikourlaubs beschließen Kate und Lisa, dass sie neben Jungs und Partys noch ein weiteres Abenteuer erleben wollen – Haitauchen. Leider entscheiden sich die Freundinnen für den falschen Ausflug. Was zunächst als eine einmalige Erfahrung beginnt, entpuppt sich schnell zum absoluten Horrortrip. Nachdem sich der Käfig vom Boot löst, stranden sie in 47 Metern Tiefe. Gefangen in ihrem rostigen Tiefseegefängnis beginnt ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Umzingelt von weißen Haien müssen Kate und Lisa den Aufstieg zur Oberfläche schaffen, bevor ihnen der Sauerstoff ausgeht... (Universum Film)


Kritiken (9)

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Englisch Sometimes good, sometimes worse. Visually mediocre, with unremarkable acting (because the actors are wearing masks the whole film and the sound underwater is dodgy) and with a script that is bland, flat and poorly thought-out. Most of the time underwater, the film shuffles in place, as if it didn’t know how to engage the viewer and continue the story. Plus points for the interesting ending, but otherwise I'm rather disappointed in the result... ()


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Deutsch Dort, wo der Film The Shallows - Gefahr aus der Tiefe wegen dem dummen Ende schief gelaufen ist, überrascht 47 Meters Down mit einem prima Drehbuchelement. Ein solider Genre-Film mit starken 3*! ()


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Deutsch Wahrscheinlich der beste Hai-Film seit Deep Blue Sea, und das ist schon eine Weile her. Ich werde bewusst keine Kategorie zuweisen (Thriller, Horror, Drama - wählt selbst), aber sobald ihr mit den Heldinnen in das dunkle Wasser eintauchen, werdet ihr den ganzen Schrecken mit ihnen erleben. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob man mehr Angst vor Raubfischen, Ersticken oder den Tiefen des Meeres hat. Das Gefühl der ständigen Bedrohung wird von großartiger Musik unterstützt (Tomandandy beweist erneut sein Talent, unsere Nerven zu strapazieren), die Spannung ist die ganze Zeit spürbar und die Haie sehen trotz der digitalen Technik sehr schön aus und man kann den Unterschied im dunklen Wasser ohnehin nicht erkennen. Also eine klare Empfehlung, trotz einiger physikalischer Fehler. Intelligente Leute sollten einen Schritt weitergehen, das hier ist reine Unterhaltung. (90%) P.S. Ich bin gespannt, wie The Shallows ausgehen wird, es scheint bisher ein starker Haisommer zu sein. ()


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Englisch Two nice ladies on vacation in Mexico end up trapped in a small cage at the bottom of the ocean with the oxygen running out and a shark around them. Decent idea, nice visuals. Two characters, lots of tension and thick atmosphere and most importantly a live shark (no digital crao) that manages to scare the viewer decently and definitely makes you respect it. There's not a lot of blood, but in the there is some. Satisfaction and if you like animal survival movies you should not not miss it. Story 5/10, Atmosphere 7/10, Gore 4/10, Visuals 7/10, Action 7/10, Suspense 7/10, Humour 0/10. Entertainment 7/10, Scares 5/10. 70% ()



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Englisch How do you make a good shark horror movie when the script is cheaper than a Thai escort and the sharks are the most likeable characters? Johannes Roberts could give a short lecture on this, as his direction is quite inventive for a good two-thirds of the film and keeps the viewer's interest in the fate of the two hysterical hens trapped underwater successfully afloat. Especially in the moments when the girls are forced to leave the comfort of the cage, the atmosphere is really uncomfortable thanks to the intense music and the effects. The unconventional ending, however, was only half-pleasing, and I'm sure that as a humanist I regret the low number of people torn to pieces, even though it multiplies the believability of the sharks' instinctive behaviour. Weak 3*. ()


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Englisch Let’s face it, you can tell a lot about the quality of this film from its very first scene, in which a nimble blonde swims with mighty strokes up to the surface, which turns out to be a pool in which the water only reaches her hips. What great work with perspective! The following plot was pretty predictable. If two American women go down in a rusty cage among predatory fish, it’s more than obvious that one of them will not make it. Plus, I found both of them so likable that their stay behind the bars left me cold and their constant screaming only spoiled my nap. The ending did stir the waters a bit, but I found no trace of horror in the film whatsoever. ()


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Englisch After a very long time, I’m leaning towards my lowest star rating so far. I was really looking forward to this, as I like films with this theme, but I recognize that making a film about a shark attack isn’t easy; capturing people’s anxiety in a natural way is definitely not a piece of cake. But why am I even talking about this when sharks appear in the film for only about two minutes in total? The first half could still be considered a solid genre addition, but it becomes tiresome as the two main characters keep trying to surface and establish contact, and then continuously discuss running out of oxygen. This goes on until the end. I expected more shark appearances, but didn’t get that. I can praise the music, which was one of the few things that genuinely evoked fear, whereas the acting performances were not particularly impressive. Some scenes had potential but were undermined by illogical elements (like when they left the cage open while the shark circled around, but didn’t think to close it?). The ending offered a big twist in the story, which ultimately felt confusing. Even The Shallows seems like a filmmaking experience compared to this. I give it 51%. ()


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Englisch Although it would almost seem that shark movies are already outdated, it must be admitted that in 2016 there were two quite good films on this very subject. The first film was The Shallows, the second was 47 Meters Down. And both deliver exactly the kind of suspense you expect from a shark movie. I'm almost amazed that 47 Meters Down did its job in such a limited space. ()


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Englisch A rather novel shark horror film that impresses by the fact that it doesn't take place on the surface, but deep underwater in complete darkness, where you can't do without a flashlight and oxygen. While director Johannes Roberts doesn't work with open underwater space with the same visual imaginativeness as, say, Alfonso Cuaron did with outers space in Gravity, he still manages to successfully evoke a chilling sense of helplessness and uncertainty in the unfathomable depths, which are immensely vast, full of chasms and predators, and yet you can't see beyond your nose in them. Could there be a better place for horror? ()