
  • Deutschland Dark (mehr)
Drama / Krimi / Sci-Fi / Mystery
Deutschland, (2017–2020), 24 h 23 min (Minutenlänge: 45–73 min)


Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese


Baran bo Odar


Ben Frost


Louis Hofmann, Oliver Masucci, Jördis Triebel, Karoline Eichhorn, Maja Schöne, Stephan Kampwirth, Daan Lennard Liebrenz, Andreas Pietschmann (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)

Streaming (1)

Staffel(3) / Folgen(26)


Nach dem Verschwinden eines Kindes begeben sich vier Familien auf die verzweifelte Suche nach Antworten und der Lösung eines Rätsels, das drei Generationen umspannt. (Netflix)

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Kritiken (5)


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Deutsch "Was wir wissen, ist ein Tropfen, was wir nicht wissen, ein Ozean." Ich habe Dark lange vor mir hergeschoben und bin froh, dass ich bis zum Ende der Serie gewartet habe, denn so konnte ich die ganze Geschichte auf einmal und ohne Unterbrechungen genießen, was angesichts der unglaublichen Komplexität der Handlung und der Charaktere ein Vorteil ist. Zu Beginn ist der Zuschauer verwirrt und weiß überhaupt nicht, wer, wo, wann, wie und warum. Dann beginnen sich die Puzzleteile zusammenzufügen, was im Grunde erst in den letzten Minuten der dritten Staffel aufhört. Einige der Wendungen (vor allem in Bezug auf die Verflechtung der Charaktere) waren in der Tat unerwartet, andere waren etwas vorhersehbar, aber trotzdem haben es die Autoren geschafft, mich in ständiger Spannung zu halten und "im Leeren zu tappen". Ich lobe das Casting, dem es gelungen ist, für die verschiedenen Zeitepochen meist körperlich ähnliche Schauspieler auszuwählen, was die Orientierung in der Handlung etwas erleichtert hat. Mit zunehmender Nummer der Serie nahm die Komplexität der Geschichte allmählich zu, aber sie funktionierte dennoch irgendwie und hielt im Grunde bis zum Ende zusammen, dessen Auflösung meiner Meinung nach recht gelungen war (Die Familie ist immer am wichtigsten!). Mein einziger großer Kritikpunkt sind die Charaktere, die ich oft als sehr nervig und irrational in ihren Handlungen empfand, so dass ich manchmal Schwierigkeiten hatte, eine positive Beziehung zu ihnen aufzubauen (siehe Magnus, Bartosz, Hannah und Katharina). Insgesamt hat mir Claudia Tiedemann von allen Figuren am besten gefallen. Zu guter Letzt darf ich nicht vergessen, die unverwechselbare Musik mit einem Hauch von Dopplereffekt zu erwähnen. Am Ende wären es viereinhalb Sterne gewesen, aber in diesem Fall gebe ich einen Bonus - vor allem für den Mut der Macher, sich auf ein so anspruchsvolles Projekt einzulassen. "Wir passen perfekt zusammen." ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch Such an ambitious project is something I really didn’t expect from the Germans. They decided to tackle the theme of time travel, which at first glance might seem like a topic that’s been endlessly explored in cinema, but they managed a small miracle... They made it so engaging that it hooked me right from the start. I don’t quite understand the comparisons to Stranger Things; as the title suggests, the series Dark focuses on a darker approach, dense atmosphere, and grounded performances that often leave you saying: WOW... Don’t expect any comedic elements here; you’ll need to look elsewhere for that. I could go on for pages about the cast, as there are so many superlatives that could fill a good amount of text... but I won’t... I just have to praise those responsible for the casting, as they did an incredible job (the blending of the timelines of 1953, 1986, and 2019 brought the challenge of casting younger and older versions of characters, and they managed it superbly... hats off). Throughout all ten episodes, I was presented with many questions as a viewer, and not all of them were answered. Because of that, I can’t give it a full score. However, I’m almost certain that these remaining narrative questions will be addressed in the second season, which I have high hopes for based on my experience with the first. 83%. ()



alle Kritiken

Englisch I’ve been thinking about watching the series Dark, produced by the Netflix Internet television, for quite some time. The theme looked nicely mysterious. But the result is not entirely what I imagined it would be. The first episode of the first season looked as if it was shot by lovers of Twin Peaks. I was never sure about what was going on in the series, but I was constantly fascinated by the locations and especially fascinated by the cinematography, which was oozing with an atmosphere as harsh as Indiana Jones’s whip. Until about the sixth episode I didn’t know why I should be excited about a series that I don’t really understand, which has a great premise but totally sloppy characters and otherwise looks wannabe cool and stylish. From the seventh episode, the plot thickened and everything started to somehow fit together. But since I didn’t actually care about the flat characters, even when there was seemingly interesting stuff happening, I couldn’t really get up to speed with the series. The Dark series maybe has an interesting plot, but otherwise, it’s hollow, like an empty swallows’ nest. For me personally, a great pity and it just confirms the fact that it is not easy to film something that is mysterious from both a technical and spiritual stand point. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch There is no miracle. It wants to look like Stranger Things and have a Lost-like atmosphere, but given that there isn't a single interesting character and they all look equally depressed (which, by the way, left me feeling pretty messed up) it doesn't really work. I’m avoiding the next season. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Three stars are a bad way to average out a contradictory project that began with my enthusiasm in the first season and ended in deep disappointment during the third season. It must be admitted that the creators managed to extract from very little (the project manages with a minimum of locations and effectively only a handful of actors) an impressive and atmospheric game about time paradoxes and the futile effort to reverse inevitable events and change one's future. Don't expect grandiose images that American producers would create, but even with this minimalism, clever screenwriters demonstrate how little is needed to capture the audience's attention. The series doesn't boast any stars, but the local actors, combined with an interesting theme and a catchy script, can work wonders. What sinks the series in my eyes is its extravagance, the effort to extract the maximum from the idea. Invention gradually fades, repetitiveness grows, playing on fate starts to feel false and tedious, the magic dissipates... The final resolution comes much later than it should. Dark would benefit from restraint, acknowledged modesty, and 10 episodes would have been just right... I must also add to the faults the ridiculous view of the creative team on nuclear energy. I know, we are in the realm of the entertainment industry where nothing can be taken seriously, and Germany is the cradle of anti-nuclear activism, but everything has its limits, and here a series of scenes - judged from an industry insider's perspective - look like an unintended parody... So, I'll leave it at an overall impression of 50%, and next time, please, use a greater dose of judiciousness. ()

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