Jesus Christ Superstar

  • USA Jesus Christ Superstar (mehr)


Jerusalem zur biblischen Zeit. Das jüdische Volk strömt dem neuen wundertätigen Propheten Jesus zu und verehrt ihn als Gottessohn. Die Römer werden von den Pharisäern dazu gebracht, dem "Volksaufwiegler" den Prozess zu machen, den sie als falschen Propheten, Gaukler und Super-Showman verspotten. Die Vertreibung der Wechsler aus dem Tempel, das Letzte Abendmahl, die Verzweiflung im Garten Gethsemane, der Verrat des Judas, Jesu Festnahme, Kreuzigung und Kreuztod sind die Stationen des Leidensweges. (ORF)


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Deutsch Trotz meiner Abneigung gegen die Musical-Muse im Film kann ich nicht umhin, diese Bearbeitung des unsterblichen Klassikers von Lloyd und Webber als eine ausgezeichnete Erfahrung zu bezeichnen. Vielleicht stört mich das Hippie-Pathos ein wenig, aber musikalisch und filmisch ist alles absolut überzeugend inszeniert, und der Soundtrack selbst ist ein anständiger visueller Genuss. Von allen Filmmusicals, die ich bisher gesehen habe, ist Jesus Christ Superstar die absolute Nummer eins... Das Produktionsdesign ist zwar sehr einfach und sparsam, aber gerade darin liegt ein großer Teil seiner filmischen Kraft... ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch This is a musical that gets me. It's true, I'm more familiar with the Czech renditions of those songs, but even the original versions can captivate you. Yes, it's a musical based on a biblical story, but if we set aside religion, Jesus's story is simply well-written. But the music and the songs... I was equally drawn to the entire hippie interpretation of the film. ()



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Englisch This is how it turns out when a group of free-spirited hippies sets out to make their own version of a musical and succeed greatly. Judas is a talented dancer, Pilate is a cunning slimeball, Herod is the leader of a bizarre drag show, and Jesus? He is the only one exactly as everyone imagines him. Thanks to the brilliant music, this endeavor cannot be lost in its over-the-top happiness, and if there hadn't been so much overacting in the last half-hour, I would put this group on a pedestal. ()


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Englisch It was perhaps too easy to make Jesus a hippie. The long hair, airy clothing, preaching of love and peace…but why not? After all, the musical fit perfectly into the time of its creation. What bothers me more today than the flat vision of the Story is its incomplete presentation. If the makers of Jesus Christ Superstar washed their hands of this cheery version of the Gospel by means of self-reflexive quotation marks (it’s only a film, so don’t throw stones at us), why does the form not also correspond to the situation of “a group of enthusiasts in the desert”.  The panoramic shots, freeze frames and colour coordination of the kitschy scenes clash with the wilder scenes when the cinematographer –  and I may be exaggerating – films whoever comes dancing in front of the camera. I’m in doubt as to whether Jewison had a clear idea if he wanted to define himself against classic movie musicals even at the cost of tasteless parody, or if he wanted to imitate them with a far smaller budget. An even more bizarre impression is given by the villains, for which either unsuitable actors were cast or their effeminacy reflects the screenwriters’ suppressed homophobia. Despite everything I’ve written here, however, I understand that Jesus Christ Superstar isn’t supposed to be a strikingly clever film, as it is rather a spontaneous expression of its time, which we should experience. I enjoyed it as such, even though it didn’t impress me as much as other musicals. 75% ()

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