
Stephen und Brian sind nach dem heldenhaften Tod ihres Vaters ebenfalls Feuerwehrleute geworden. Jetzt versetzt ein Brandstifter Chicago in Angst und Schrecken. Bei der Anschlagserie sind viele Opfer zu beklagen. Inspektor Rimgale erhält interessante Hinweise durch den inhaftierten Psychopathen Ronald. Bei der Verfolgung des offenbar geistesgestörten Feuerteufels sind die ungleichen Brüder Stephen und Brian gezwungen, an einem Strang zu ziehen. (ORF)


Kritiken (6)


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Deutsch Sehr angenehme Staude... Obwohl der Krimi-Plot dieses Thrillers fade und unscheinbar ist, verleihen das Feuerwehr-Setting, die adrenalingeladene Action inmitten eines Brandes und der ausgezeichnete Kurt Russell dem Film von Howard den nötigen Pepp. Insbesondere die Rolle des harten (aber im Herzen überraschend verletzlichen) Babe Mc Caffrey gehört neben der des unvergesslichen Piloten R. J. MacReady zu Russells besten. Der gut aussehende William Baldwin schmachtet in seinem Schatten, aber der alte Sutherland genießt sein wahnsinniges Feuerwerk in vollen Zügen. De Niro? Routine. Backdraft - Männer, die durchs Feuer gehen ist es zu verdanken, dass es nicht nur als spektakuläres Feuerwerk funktioniert, sondern auch gelingt, das menschliche Drama vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte darzustellen. Und am Ende kann sogar diese Dosis heroischen Pathos eingeatmet werden, aber irgendjemand muss sie ja löschen, oder? Einfach ein angenehmes Spektakel, das wärmt, aber keinesfalls brennt. ()


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Englisch Time is a powerful wizard that in only two decades can turn a truly exciting and riveting action film into an almost silly self-parody. It never ceases to amaze me how those slow-motion shots, the pathetic dialogues and the dramatic music could ever have had an effect on anyone. The craftsmanship is your classic, competent Howard and the special effects are very good, but Ron has again failed to captivate me. Backdraft belongs to the past. ()



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Englisch Going into this, I figured there’d be more fire than at a rowdy city hall protest, and I wasn’t wrong. The actors were great, and you could tell they were having fun playing firefighters. But it did feel like the filmmakers just said, "Let’s make a movie about firefighters." No need for a deep plot—saving lives is the story itself. So, what we get is a string of action scenes where one firefighter races after another, something goes wrong, and then it’s rinse and repeat. It’s less about the story and more of a tribute to the real heroes who save lives every day. And because of that, it’s a nice film, but three stars feels just right for what it delivers. ()


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Englisch One of Ron Howard’s better films. It has an average script, more characters and less plot than it should perhaps, but technically it is brilliant. Thrilling action sequences plus Hans Zimmer's music – that is really worth seeing, and the casting is also perfectly accurate. ()


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Englisch I expected a bit more from Ron Howard in the end. Don’t get me wrong, the film’s visuals are captivating; I was often blown away by the special and practical effects, and the fantastic soundtrack by Zimmer, with its thunderous tones, enhanced the already amazing viewing experience. However, I have an issue with the plethora of melodramatic scenes. At times, the film seemed ridiculous because the situations were portrayed in a very unrealistic and unconvincing way. While I was in awe of what was happening on screen at moments, at other times I could only show a pained expression, not understanding why certain elements were included. Acting-wise, it was on point, with Donald Sutherland delivering a precise performance in his brief scenes, showcasing his acting talent fully. Kurt Russell was excellent, while William Baldwin lagged behind. The main storyline was quite transparent, but I’d be lying if I said the final twist didn’t pleasantly surprise me. So, overall, it’s a decent watch but with several cosmetic flaws. For me, it’s a 70%. ()

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