
Maria Beatrice Morandini Valdirana ist Gräfin und Quasselstrippe, die sich in der Welt der Schönen und Reichen bestens auskennt. Seitdem sie sich in einen Berufsverbrecher verliebt und der italienischen Justiz zahlreiche Gründe gegeben hat, sie unter Arrest zu stellen, ist von ihrer gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung nicht mehr viel übrig. Beatrice muss sich in der rustikalen Villa Biondi psychologischer Behandlung unterziehen. Als die junge Donatella, die außerhalb ihres eigenen Universums kaum anzutreffen ist, dort ebenfalls Patientin wird, nimmt Beatrice die gebrochene Frau unter ihre Fittiche. Beim Arbeitseinsatz in einer lokalen Gärtnerei ergibt sich eine seltene Gelegenheit, den goldenen Käfig zumindest kurzfristig zu verlassen: Beatrice und Donatella büchsen aus. Dicht gefolgt von einem Dutzend Psychologen jagen sie durch die Toskana und freunden sich bald an. Zwischen bipolaren Glücksschüben, manischer Zielstrebigkeit und zwanghafter Furchtlosigkeit verstehen sie einander besser als sonst jemand es könnte. Nichts weniger als das Glück wollen sie suchen bei ihrem Ausflug in dieses Freiluft-Irrenhaus, das man viel zu oft mit der Realität verwechselt. (Neue Visionen)


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Englisch Two completely different women, both carrying a painful affliction in their hearts, meet in an insane asylum. Despite their initial unpleasant encounter, they gradually become friends and during a trip together, about ten inmates manage to escape from the hospital. Thus begins a slightly crazy road movie, in which both Beatrice and Donatella long to journey towards their lost happiness, each in their own slightly different way. Eventually, however, they are reunited at the psychiatric clinic. While there are a few humorous moments in the story, it's overall a very sad film about the fate of two broken women who, under the right alignment of stars, could actually be happy. (65%) ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch If I want to prove something, it doesn't matter what mental state I'm in. The characters presented here are not at all uninteresting, but I didn't find their story as good as it could have been. Yes, there is a quite successful gradation, something dark creeping into even the funny scenes, but overall, for me, it's rather average. ()



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Englisch This kind of dramedy can be filmed only by the Italians. Only they have the kind of personalities that I haven’t encountered anywhere else in Europe. Either shouting, aggressive men who get annoyed by a speck of dust on a windowsill, or shrieking, crazy, suntanned women, who have an opinion about everything and would fight you to death if you contradicted them. In this case, you won’t meet the men but as for the women… you have to get ready for that. One of them is exactly the type of Italian woman I have described and the other one would be as well, if she wasn’t mentally devastated. It took me a while to get used to those characters but in the end I have to admit that during the road trip drama I was not bored at all, quite the contrary. A typical Italian drama portraying the lives of the locals. ()

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