True Detective - Série 2

Krimi / Drama / Mystery / Thriller
USA, 2015, 8 h 23 min (Minutenlänge: 56–86 min)


Nic Pizzolatto


Nigel Bluck


Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch, Kelly Reilly, Ritchie Coster, David Morse, Christopher James Baker, Ronnie Gene Blevins (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)



Colin Farrell als Detective Ray Velcoro, Vince Vaughn als Frank Semyon, Rachel McAdams als Detective Ani Bezzerides und Taylor Kitsch als Officer Paul Woodrugh. Der Polizist einer Motorradstreife entdeckt den Tatort eines bizarren Mordes, bei dem das Opfer rituell verstümmelt worden ist. Durch die Ermittlungen kommt es zur Zusammenarbeit dreier Polizeibeamten aus verschiedenen Städten, die alle unter Problemen aus ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit leiden. In diesem Fall treffen sie auf einen Gangster, der sich zum Unternehmer gemausert hat und jetzt sein Imperium zu verlieren droht. Der Fall weitet sich aus und wird immer finsterer, denn kriminelle Absprachen in betrügerischer Absicht haben offenbar zur Verschiebung von Summen in Milliardenhöhe geführt. Alle Beteiligten müssen sich ihren inneren Dämonen stellen, um das aktuelle Verbrechen aufzuklären, während sie sich in der sonnenverdorrten kalifornischen Landschaft in ein Netz aus Verschwörung und Verrat verstricken. (Warner Bros. DE)


Kritiken (6)


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch Yeah, the first season was better, it was more interesting schematically, more consistent in terms of direction and its atmosphere of lost human souls in the American backwaters was more absorbing. The second season treads its own thematic path, and treads it so surely and unpredictably that I think only words of praise are fit to describe it. Bringing together so many interesting and (like in the first season) lost characters with heavy souls, so many potentially negative or ambiguous characters from high politics, the mafia or the police, and one mysterious murder into a voluminous web of intrigue, violence, corruption and relationships present or long past, without a single one of them getting lost and each of the title characters not given enough space to be fully fleshed out, call it what you will, I call it orgasmic television mastery. And as far as the actors are concerned, I would build not a Hollywood star, but a temple to all of them, especially to Farrell, who definitely belongs to the highest acting league, and McAdams, who’s rather untypical in her rough-and-fragile role, but handles it fantastically. ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch The story of Marty and Rust has begun to fade in the distance, which helped to show that this was definitely an atmospheric spectacle, but certainly not a groundbreaking moment in television history. That's why it's good that it's starting in a completely different environment, the urbanistic Vinci. Politicians and police here are happy to make some extra money on the side, the chain of erotic services is thriving, and there's always something stinky happening. The death of one of the local bigwigs sets off a chain of events, leaving behind a few dead bodies – and maybe something more. And it's an interesting chain of events, so it's all the more disappointing that, just like before, there are deep and meaningful dialogues, but without Matthew McConaughey's unique character (and voice) they lack meaning and just seem like a bad joke. Moreover, the action scene at the end of the fourth episode forces us to wonder if it's really there just to surpass the legendary shootout from the same episode of the previous season. Fortunately, however, what's reversed is the progression. The first season started in a grand style, only to fizzle out a bit in the end. Instead, the Californian anabasis deceives the body, as nothing seems to happen for five hours, and then, just when the more impatient viewers have already given up on the whole thing, it introduces a deadly atmosphere of a pulsating hostile environment and justifies the initial sluggishness with a perfectly functioning finale. After everyone was showering McConaughey with acting honors not long ago, I'm surprised that there's silence after Rachel McAdams, who is cast against type, and the flawless wreck portrayed by Colin Farrell, who found the role of a lifetime with a cigarette and a drink in just a few lines. In short, True Detective is a story and a series full of contradictions. While it seemed to be for everyone after eight episodes, after sixteen more there are multiple camps pitted against each other. But for me, it's a guarantee of (specific, but undeniable) quality. ()



alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch The first half of the season was severely lacking in atmosphere, which the creators made up for in the second half. But then several predictable things found their way into the plot, thus ruining my overall impression. Plus, the finale was full of pathos – like in a film in which heroic American marines fight off a space invasion. 4*- ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch Nic Pizzolatto teamed up with Justin Lin this time, and True Detective has undergone a radical transformation. I mean this in a positive sense. The second season doesn’t rely on mysterious mystique as much; it's more action-oriented than the previous one and focuses on police corruption. While this is a complete 360° turn, the creators managed to pull it off exceptionally well. I liked all the characters, especially Colin Farrell, who initially seemed to be cast as the villain but ultimately proved to be a good cop. The atmosphere is palpable, with some moments being intensely charged. Vince Vaughn delivered an excellent performance as a gangster, and the role suited him perfectly. The moment of Taylor Kitsch's character's death was certainly a surprise; he didn’t speak much, but his character radiated great charisma. I enjoyed the action sequences, particularly the street shootout, which was filmed very realistically. The final episode was simply the best True Detective has offered so far. We need another season. I give it 95%. ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch Well, it’s a fact, Nic Pizzolatto is currently the best writer of detective stories. The series is told in an intricate way, with many plot lines that come together perfectly in the end, without ever forgetting the poignant fates of individual characters (Farrell and his relationship with his son!). The atmosphere of an alienated industrial conglomeration, just made for criminal offences, was nauseating. Episode 6 – the visit to a brothel for the wealthy – had an almost horror-like feel. And the actors? Everyone is fantastic, every single one of them, but I'd single out two: Taylor Kitsch, whom I wish had a lot more acting opportunities, and Vince Vaughn, whose multi-faceted expression fits the ambiguous mobster character like a glove. He should stick to serious roles, they suit him. ()

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