The November Man

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Der in die Jahre gekommene ehemalige CIA-Agent Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan), Codename NOVEMBER MAN, bekommt den Auftrag, eine Zeugin ausfindig zu machen und zu beschützen, die offenbar stichfeste Beweise für die Schuld des zukünftigen russischen Präsidenten an einem grausamen Massaker in Tschetschenien hat. Er gerät dabei nicht nur ins Visier anderer CIA-Einheiten und des russischen Geheimdienstes, sondern trifft auch auf seinen einstigen Schützling Mason (Luke Bracey), einem ehrgeizigen CIA-Agenten, der wiederum auf ihn angesetzt wird. Bei dem Versuch, die Augenzeugin zu retten und die Geheimdienste auszutricksen, liefert er sich mit dem jungen Ex-Kollegen einen tödlichen Schlagabtausch, in den er all seine Erfahrung legt. Am Ende kann es nur einen geben, der sagen kann: Auftrag erledigt. (Universum Film)


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alle Kritiken

Englisch American studios don't pay screenwriters such small money that they can't create somewhat more believable characters and more credible stories. The November Man is watchable, but I had no enthusiasm for it. Similar stories are brought to us by American action movies 12 times a year. Brosnan got to play a confident seasoned action hero in his old age, good for him. Overall impression: 40%. ()


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Englisch November Man feels like a throwback to the kind of thrillers we don’t see much of anymore — mixing a bit of politics, action, and a touch of sex, all with Pierce Brosnan doing what he does best. The filmmaking is solid, but I’ve always had a hard time fully buying Pierce in these action-lover roles. ()



alle Kritiken

Englisch Do you want an old-school espionage ride in a visual style for the new millennium, but you can’t find it? The Balkans offer a raw and inhospitable setting that is not sufficiently used, the action is terribly poorly directed, and it rather resembles the best of the 1980s through editing and cinematography. Pierce Brosnan handles it perfectly, and his character as an ex-CIA operative is believable, but the story has so many twists and contrivances, so many things happening by chance at exactly the right moment when the script needs it, that it's impossible to enjoy it even with a great sense of humor. Furthermore, it seems that Brosnan, unlike someone like Sean Penn (The Gunman), obviously no longer wants to go into clear and physically demanding full contact combat scenes, and that is a pity. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A fantastic action movie with a gripping story that keeps you hooked, and on top of that, a hero who can carry the whole hour and three-quarters effortlessly. Pierce Brosnan demonstrates that he still has what it takes for action roles, especially ones that are appropriately tough and unforgiving. He nailed this one, and I could imagine him grabbing my attention in other films as well. ()


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Englisch It wasn't bad. Action-wise, November Man doesn't offer much, only one close-range fight and it’s too edited. The R-rated shootouts and thrilling car chases are nice to watch, though. Pierce Brosnan and Olga Kurylenko are amazing, the rest of the cast doesn't impress much. So in one sentence it's a pretty decent bloody spy action ride that doesn't disappoint, but doesn't impress either. Fortunately, there is no danger of boredom. 65%. ()

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