


Dem Geschichtsprofessor Adam (Jake Gyllenhaal) erscheint das Leben wie ein endloser, nichtgreifbarer Traum. Gelangweilt von seinem Alltag und seiner Beziehung lässt er Tag um Tagin Lethargie verstreichen - bis er in einem Film den Schauspieler Anthony (Jake Gyllenhaal)entdeckt, der ihm bis aufs Haar gleicht. Verstört aber auch fasziniert von dieser Entdeckung,beschließt er, seinen Doppelgänger aufzuspüren. Je tiefer Adam in Anthonys Welt eindringtund dabei auch dessen Frau (Sarah Gadon) näher kommt, desto mehr scheinen die Grenzenzwischen den beiden Personen zu verschwimmen. Die anfängliche Neugier steigert sich zur Besessenheit; ein bizarres und tödliches Spiel beginnt, an dessen Ende nur einer übrig bleibenkann ... (Capelight Pictures)


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Deutsch Eine mentale Trance, die bei mir in der Vergangenheit nur Shutter Island, Femme Fatale und die besten Lynch-Filme ausgelöst haben. Überwältigend, eiskalt, visionär aus einer anderen Welt. Ein Schlag ins Herz. Danke, Herr Villeneuve. ()


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Englisch I felt downright disappointed immediately after the screening. Unlike other films with unsatisfactory and unclear endings, Enemy woke in me a desire to know what is really hiding in the back. And the more I think back about it, the better I find it. In any case, it’s been long since a film messed with my head so much. ()



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Englisch After I saw Sicario, I started believing that Denis Villeneuve was a genius among contemporary directors. So, when his movie Enemy, which received mixed reviews, was said to appear on TV, I didn’t hesitate a single moment. The fuckup is that when I was watching it for the first time, I totally dozed off and I had to catch the rest the next day. Enemy is no simple movie. And the first 30 minutes even more so. At first sight, nothing seems to be happening. After watching the final scene, however, you will feel as if everything happened in it because you won’t understand anything in the movie at all. Generally speaking, however, I think that this might be the worst movie with a deranged character, who on top of everything suffers from a split personality. Such stories rarely disappoint, but this one disappointed me quite a bit. ()


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Englisch A hypnotic, hyperactive and sexually titillating thriller from Denis Villeneuve. Jake Gyllenhaal is perfect for these roles, the man was made for the thriller genre! Although I was apprehensive about the film, it absolutely blew me away, sucking me into the plot from the fifth minute and not letting me breathe until the end. An incredibly unpredictable, original film with the greatest WTF ending of all time. After reading an article about the film, I learned so many interesting details that I had overlooked that a second viewing is a must! 80% ()


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Englisch An intimate, also very abstract movie told in hints. Villeneuve is doing what he does well and leads the viewer through an industrial city to a room where somebody is taking a bath in the dark. The door opens, he takes you inside and then disappears, leaving you there with all your questions and fears... time to die? Gyllenhaal 1 awesome, Gyllenhaal 2 a real swine. Chaos is order yet undeciphered. ()

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