
"Burn after reading! - Nach dem Lesen vernichten!" so eigentlich müsste die Anweisung für die Lektüre der Memoiren des suspendierten CIA-Agenten Osbourne Cox (John Malkovich) lauten. Doch daran denken die Fitnesstrainerin Linda Litzke (Frances McDormand) und ihr gutaussehender, aber etwas dümmlicher Kollege Chad Feldheimer (Brad Pitt) natürlich nicht im Traum, als sie zufällig eine CD mit dem offensichtlich brisanten Manuskript in der Umkleidekabine ihres Clubs finden. Die beiden wittern das ganz große Geschäft mit den geheimen Staatsaffären. Dass aber ausgerechnet die Liebesaffären des sexuell umtriebigen Regierungsbeamten Harry Pfarrer (George Clooney) die Erpressungsversuche behindern würden, konnte natürlich niemand ahnen. Schon bald ist den Amateur-Erpressern eine ganze Horde diverser Geheimdienste auf den Fersen. Und dann kommen auch noch die Russen ins Spiel... (Tobis)


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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Es war wirklich irgendwo da ... das Potenzial, das dieser Film hätte ausschöpfen können, war wirklich irgendwo gegeben. Die Thematik ist völlig originell und fast unvorhersehbar, ein Star glänzt neben dem anderen, aber wie gesagt, der Film hat mir nicht viel gesagt. Ich werde mich wahrscheinlich wiederholen, aber was soll's - Brad Pitt ist als Verrückter ziemlich überzeugend. Insgesamt bewerte ich den Streifen mit etwa 60 %. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A black-humored critique of the American way of life, relationship problems, and secret service and espionage practices, in the typically sensitive fashion of the Coen brothers; cleverly directed and very sprawling. Although there is no lack of wit and the running time is just right, one can't help feeling that it's all pointless, excessively noisy, exacerbated and a bit out of touch with reality. One can understand the need to read between the lines and it's more of a Saturday afternoon diversion where nothing much is resolved, but I’m just not willing to accept the hackneyed feel of it. A pointless thing with a filmmaking rhetoric says nothing and it’s not fun. ()



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Englisch The Coen’s announce a return to cynical waters. That definitely is good news. But the bad news is, that they are returning to waters that they have already peed into countless times. And this time with an almost non-existent screenplay. But in terms of acting, this is right up my street. And paradoxically it makes it better, because everybody is acting their life out, even though they have nothing really to act. Bizarre. ()


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Englisch It’s the typical Coen absurdity - an ordinary man thrown into insanely escalated situations - and it brings to mind the best of what the brothers have done to earn their reputation. It’s got a thoughtful plot, clever twists, excellent actors, great direction, and references so apt that Hitchcock is surely smiling in his grave. It's not good enough for the Oscars like last year, but I like this position much better. ()


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Englisch An author once described how he wrote a short story that he needed to quickly deliver to the publisher, but he didn't know how to end it. So he turned to his friends for advice and they told him to just cut it up and go to the pub with them. Because he really wanted to go to the pub, he allowed his characters to be cut up and hurried to the pub. I don't know where the Coen brothers were headed, but I get the feeling that this film was sewn with a needle that was too hot. The concept is attractive and they came up with several interesting characters, but they couldn't utilize their potential anywhere near as much as they deserved. It's unfinished and unbalanced, although it should be emphasized that it's not a bad film at its core. The film has charming moments, like when Frances McDormand bitterly says that she wouldn't be able to make a living as an actress with her body and face, and in Hollywood, they would make fun of her. Also, whenever George Clooney or Brad Pitt appear on screen, it's clear that they see their characters as parodies of their own acting styles and their usual protagonists who made them famous. But what good is all of that when many scenes end unremarkably and the film completely lacks the complexity and precision that made the Coen brothers famous? It's simply not a film in the style of The Man Who Wasn't There, Fargo, or, if we're talking about their comedies, O Brother, Where Art Thou? Overall impression: 60%. ()

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