
Drei bildschöne, neugierige Frauen aus New Jersey wollen es in Plötzlich Star endlich wissen – und einmal im Leben ein richtiges Abenteuer erleben. Grace (Selena Gomez), ihre spießige Schwester und ihre beste Freundin investieren daher kurzehand ihre gesamten Ersparnisse in einen Europa-Trip nach Paris. Leider droht ihr Paris-Urlaub in einem Fiasko zu versinken, denn das Leben in der Stadt der Liebe ist ohne das nötige Kleingeld nicht immer reizvoll. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch A group of American girls heading off on a European adventure—which pretty much tells you all you need to know. What’s interesting is how Paris gets dragged through the mud while Monte Carlo gets all the praise. In Paris, it’s constantly raining, and everything goes wrong, but in Monte Carlo, everything is perfect—money, beauty, and sunshine galore. At least by the end of the movie, Americans will definitely know where Monte Carlo is on the map! ()


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Englisch The attractive cast didn't disappoint, but I'm not happy with the script. As time goes on, I appreciate more and more the originality that this film is completely lacking. I can't say I was bored. But throughout the movie I wished it would surprise me with something... nope, it didn't. I also found Selena Gomez as the famous star endlessly unappealing. I did ponder a 4-star rating for a while, but I'm afraid I would have given it just because of Leighton Meester. She already has one of my big stars though. ()


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