
Durch einen Unfall löscht der vertrottelte Jerry (Jack Black) versehentlich alle Kassetten in der Videothek seines Freundes Mike (Mos Def). Doch die beiden haben eine zündende Idee: für eine Kundin, die unbedingt Ghostbusters sehen möchte, drehen sie den Film kurzerhand einfach selbst nach! Wider Erwarten steigt die Nachfrage nach den Bändern und nun müssen neue Filme produziert werden. Zusammen mit den Bewohnern des Viertels drehen die beiden ihre eigenen Versionen von zahlreichen Filmklassikern nach. Über Nacht werden sie zu den Stars der Nachbarschaft und hauchen nicht nur der alten Videothek neues Leben ein. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (7)

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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Ein selbstrührender Spasmus von Gondrys, der sich mental auf dem Niveau einer schulischen Bühnenauftrittes befindet, sich aber als Lobpreisung der Liebe zum Film sowie der kommunitären Kreativität bietet. Gleichzeitig wirkt er derart brutal gezwungen und unterwürfig, dass selbst die wenigen soliden Momente in einem Meer an Posen sowie krampfhaft inszenierten Allotrien untergehen. Diese Seite von Gondrys "ostentativem intellektuellem inneren Kind" irritiert mich. ()


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Deutsch Aha, hier haben wir eine nächste verschwundene Rezension. Na ja, zu Abgedreht werde ich sie gern noch einmal schreiben. Die ursprüngliche Rezension lautete ungefähr so: Diesen Film fand ich von Anfang an unglaublich unterhaltsam. Etwa nach der ersten Hälfte war ich fest davon überzeugt, dass ich ihn mit vier Sternen bewerten werde. Für das Ende, das wirklich schön und rührend ist (so etwas kann wahrscheinlich nur Gondry), bekommt der Film aber noch einen fünften Stern. Das ist alles. Und wagen Sie es ja nicht, diese Rezension wieder zu löschen. ()


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Deutsch Ein ziemlich durchschnittlicher amerikanischer Film mit einem einzigartigen Thema und vielen bekannten Gesichtern. Der Film schien am Anfang nicht sehr gut zu sein, aber das Ende war großartig. Ich muss den phantasievollen Einsatz von hausgemachten Tricks bei der "Schwedung" von Filmen loben. Gondrys vorheriger Film Vergiss mein nicht! war viel besser, aber dieser Film ist trotzdem sehenswert. ()


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Englisch It's a pity about the sometimes clumsy and heavy-handed humour, because otherwise this fourth film confirms Michel Gondry as a filmmaker whose inventiveness, combined with a kind of childlike playfulness, is unparalleled in the contemporary film world. It’s not a film for everyone, just as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or The Science of Sleep, because their unusual way of telling the story probably will frustrate many viewers, but if you accept and then love their poetics, Michel Gondry has won with you. And what's more, you can't help but love the films of a filmmaker who can solve a Rubik's cube with his feet and proudly present it on the internet :) ()



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Englisch After this movie ended I felt like asking the projectionist if he could rewind it and play it again, but even without that I was basically pleased with the most normal Gondry yet. Maybe it isn’t perfect and flawless, but what really original picture ever is? I don’t pretend that I haven’t had an almost uncritical soft spot for this visionary since his beginnings with video clips. For one thing, you won’t find such a fount of ideas, originality and idiosyncrasy in any other filmmaker. But primarily I rate him for his talent at creating believable dream-reality. In my eyes this is the hardest discipline of all. And while a couple of writers are talented at this, apart from Michel Gondry himself, I think the only filmmaker with the same talent that occurs to me is Tsukamoto. But ouch, no such dream sequences come into this movie. That said, we find heaps of originality here. But in spite of that, after the magnificent intro, the greatest “attraction", i.e. the Sweded movies themselves, are a little creaky. This is the worst part of the movie. It doesn’t hold together, although some wonderful moments are to be found (mainly the short ones like The Lion King and Carrie). Paradoxically it starts working when they stop filming the “remakes" and their own creations start to come out on top. But I’m certainly not disappointed. Maybe also because, unlike many others, I didn’t expect a comedy in the true sense of the word. Not because Gondry couldn’t manage to pull something like that off, but for the simple reason that he didn’t promise anything of the sort. Not even the trailers contained any promise of a bundle of fun (btw, the Sweded trailer with Gondry himself is pure genius and is the most original trailer I have ever seen). And casting Jack Black doesn’t necessarily mean a comedy to make your sides split. So, to sum up: Please Gondry, keep being yourself, whatever the cost. ()


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Englisch A peculiar comedy, which starts surprisingly slowly, but hilariously transitions into the crazy genre with a magnetized eccentric, and concludes everything with an original variation on Cinema Paradiso. I will never see such a combination in my life again, but credit is definitely due to The Parent Trap, RoboCop, or Carrie. The film doesn't hold together at all, but it doesn't spare smiles or nostalgia. ()


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Englisch The idea is incredibly simple yet almost genius. Jack Black plays an oddball who deletes all the movies from his friend’s video rental store after being zapped by a powerful electric shock. However, customers still want to see movies. So the duo comes up with no better idea than to film them again, with the twist that they will play all the characters and adapt the story as they please. The unbelievable becomes real, and the rental store enjoys greater success than ever before. But of course, this isn't just a simple comedy. The humor here is quite pleasant and sweet, nothing vulgar, which is what one is used to with Black. The lead role is also rather played by Mos Def, with Black essentially being his sidekick. Mos Def shows once again that he is a great actor and certainly made the right choice in adding acting to his rap career. His role in the last season of the series Dexter fully proves this. Be Kind Rewind is not a big film; it doesn’t try to be a big film, even though it tackles some significant issues. It’s a film for people, for enthusiasts, for lovers of cinema. It belongs to all of us, and we should enjoy it. ()