
Trailer 1


Die fromme Novizin Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) verlässt ihre Heimat in den USA, um einem abgelegenen Kloster inmitten der malerischen Landschaft Italiens beizutreten. Doch der herzliche Empfang durch die Ordensschwestern und Pater Tedeschi (Álvaro Morte) trügt: Schon bald entwickelt sich ihr Aufenthalt zu einem Albtraum, als ihr klar wird, dass das Gotteshaus ein düsteres Geheimnis und unaussprechliche Schrecken birgt. (Capelight Pictures)


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Deutsch Ein überwiegend konsumorientierter B-Movie-Horrorfilm voller Drehbuch-/Dramaturgie-Schwächen, der aufgrund der Vielzahl von Lücken in der nicht besonders zusammenhängenden Handlung wahrscheinlich bei seiner Entstehung genauso wie seine Hauptdarstellerin unter erheblichen Geburtswehen litt. Es gibt hier jedoch zwei Faktoren, die eine gewisse Unterhaltung bieten. Der erste sind narrative Twists in der Geschichte, die in Drittel aufgeteilt ist, entsprechend der Anzahl von Schwangerschaftstrimestern, durch die sich der Film allmählich von Andeutungen eines Geisterhorrors über einen Sekten-Horror/satanistischen Horror bis hin zu einem pompös brutalen Exploitation-Massaker (bzw. Nonnen-Exploitation) entwickelt, in dem traditionelle religiöse Gegenstände als tödliche Waffen eingesetzt werden. Der zweite ist die extreme Ähnlichkeit von Immaculate mit dem besser geschriebenen und gedrehten Horrorfilm Das erste Omen aus demselben Jahr, den dieselbe Ausgangssituation eröffnet (eine junge amerikanische Novizin kommt nach Italien, um Gott zu dienen, und wird dort auf wundersame Weise schwanger). Immaculate teilt mit ihm viele weitere Handlungs- und Thema-Elemente, aber nur etwa bis zur Hälfte, denn in seiner zweiten Hälfte wird er zu seiner perfekten Antithese – nicht nur in Bezug auf den Umgang mit den Figuren von Christus und Antichrist, sondern auch hinsichtlich des gegensätzlichen Verhaltens der Hauptheldinnen. Ansonsten, was in Horrorfilmen mit Nonnen in letzter Zeit bereits als etablierter Standard erscheint, sind beeindruckende Schauplätze großer Klöster, Hospize und Waisenhäuser mit angrenzenden Kellern, Dachböden, Zellen, Katakomben und anderen verbotenen Orten. ()


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Englisch Immaculate means no ejaculate! You're right, Cecilia. Take them all out; San Pietro up there will sort them out. A technically decent revival of nunsploitation, which already makes me uncomfortable just by its setting. But when it turns out that the convent uses sonogel not just for candles but for its primary purpose - except for the trick with the chicken - the ways of the genre's Lord are no longer unpredictable. Apart from the nipples showing through the nightgown, Sydney Sweeney didn't reveal much, and to me, she's like Troy McClure—someone who’s been in many films and series, but I’ve barely seen any of them. The long shot of the bloody face during childbirth was quite cringe. At least the intrusive insurance agent who tried to push commercial insurance right after got hit with a rock. ()



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Englisch In the end, I think it's totally fine, the final third is where the film defends its right to exist. In the end, Immaculate is pure B-movie crap, even though it initially looks like it might have higher ambitions. Once the cards are dealt and laid out, things get pretty intense, with the film going a little further than usual in Hollywood in the last scene, and for that, thumbs up. The craftsmanship fine, the acting is fine, the locations are fine. ()


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Englisch Compared to The Omen it's as expected two levels worse, but it has my sympathy for the R-rating – had it been PG-13 I'd go for maybe a 2. Sydney Sweeney looks ordinary for the first time, she doesn't show her beautiful boobs in a mini dress and has no make up, she's no sex goddess, but an ordinary girl. Visually it's pretty average, the story is ordinary, though I appreciate it's not a ghost story, but it goes in a slightly different direction. The jump-scares didn't work for me, but the bit of gore was nice. All in all a watchable average but easily forgettable. 5/10. ()

Lima booo!

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Englisch I hadn't given Boo! rating in 3 and a half years (!!), and now I’m doing it with gusto. Nunsploitation, the naughty stuff the Italians used to regale us with in the 1970s, a genre that, together with Nazisploitation, is one of my only two hated ones (otherwise, at the age of 52, I can swallow anything), a monstrosity that was resurrected by Michael Mohan – I saw an interview with him on YouTube, where he wondered why nobody goes to see his film, since he made it so wonderfully (his own words). Yes, indeed, the 2nd half is proper Nunsploitation splatter as if from the pen of an Italian production, but I'm more annoyed by the ideological framework of the whole thing. No, I have nothing to do with the Church machinery, I'm agnostic, I'm bothered by the opulent property of the Catholic Church, including those lavish cathedrals that were deliberately intended to appeal to the emotions of the commoners, but I resent when nuns are made out to be some kind of Satanic evil. I know a few of these women personally, specifically the nuns in Štěken, and they are honest hard-working ladies who do not in any way parasitize society, women pure in spirit who have chosen their path in life because they are convinced of it deep down. It's utterly stupid to mock that, to make stupid jokes about them, and it's utterly perverse to demean their approach to life, or even to put them in the role of absolute evil, as this film does. I'm a tolerant person, I would even say that nothing is sacred to me and I can make fun of everything, but I have my limits too and this is one of those uncrossable ones (along with other crap like animal violence or holocaust denial for example). Those ladies have my respect. ()

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