Ugly – Verlier nicht dein Gesicht

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In einer futuristischen Welt müssen sich alle Menschen mit 16 Jahren einer Schönheits-OP unterziehen. Tally kann es kaum erwarten, bis sie selbst an der Reihe ist. Doch dann läuft ihre Freundin davon. Tally begibt sich auf eine Rettungsmission, die ihre Welt auf den Kopf stellt. Plötzlich muss sie infrage stellen, was sie zuvor unbedingt wollte. (Netflix)


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Englisch In a world where anyone can be turned into a beauty, something unfair is going on. Tally must decide whether to join the ranks of those who have made themselves pretty or fight for truth and freedom. Or something. Uglies is a boring, pretty ugly and mostly stupid movie that tries to ride the wave of young adult dystopias, but not only does it not come up with new stuff, it also does the old stuff pretty poorly. There's no reason to watch it. ()

Necrotongue booo!

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Englisch Exactly the kind of disaster I expected. I have no idea who the target audience is, but I know for sure it’s not me. Despite the brain cells I lost watching this, I still have enough left to know this kind of cliché-ridden, logic-defying story just isn’t for me. Besides the catchy title, Uglies doesn’t offer much to set it apart from something like Divergent, and I’ve long since had my fill of these mindless dystopian plots. I only stuck with this one for Joey King, but not even her souped-up mirror could save Tally. The story was weak, the acting fell flat, and I genuinely couldn’t find anything positive to say here. / Lesson learned: Actually, more of a question—who in that city was working and keeping things running? ()


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