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Eine prickelnde Reise in die Geheimnisse der Sexualität! Der aus einem puritanischen Elternhaus stammende Zoologe Alfred C. Kinsey beginnt 1938 mit der Untersuchung eines bis dahin unerforschten Gebietes: Der menschlichen Sexualität. Unterstützt von seiner Frau Clara, befragt er mit seinem Team Tausende von Amerikanern und veröffentlicht das Buch "Das sexuelle Verhalten des Mannes", das wie eine Bombe einschlägt und ihn über Nacht berühmt macht. Doch nicht nur in der Öffentlichkeit sorgen seine Theorien für Aufregung... (Warner Bros. DE)


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Deutsch Ein Film, den ich mir lange aufgespart habe habe. Das zahlte sich aus. Es ist immer gut, sich an das Paradoxe der amerikanischen Demokratie zu erinnern, die immer sehr heuchlerisch war, ist und sein wird. Und jetzt ein Hoch auf Kinsey - Die Wahrheit über Sex, denn Statistiken sind eine Freude. ()


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Deutsch Es war definitiv nicht leicht, das Drehbuch zu schreiben und diesen Film zu drehen. Bill Condon hat es aber exzellent gemacht. Kinsey - Die Wahrheit über Sex ist ein weiser, freidenkerischer Film mit einigen kleineren sowie größeren Schauspielstars, die ihre Rollen genossen haben. Es war für sie eine Ehre, dass sie in diesem Werk spielen durften. Das gehört zu den wertvollsten Dingen, die ein zeitgenössischer Film, der mehr oder weniger zum Mainstream gehört, dem Publikum bieten kann. Liam Neeson ist als Kinsey perfekt, eher rational als emotional, ein bisschen seltsam, aber sympathisch. Dazu ein meisterhaftes Balancieren der Regie zwischen Humor und ernsteren Momenten und kein Sentiment (obwohl die Oscar-Ambitionen sicherlich groß waren). Das Ergebnis ist ein kleines Feinschmecker-Vergnügen. Condon gehört meiner Meinung nach zu den europäischen Mega-Talenten wie Marc Forster, Michel Gondry oder Tom Tykwer. ()



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Englisch I would have expected much more from a director who managed so brilliantly to create an intimate atmosphere in Gods and Monsters. The introduction, where we follow Kinsey's motivations and explore the psychology of the characters, is great and I truly enjoyed Liam Neeson's experiments. However, as time goes on, the initial power dulls and the film sinks from hints into a parade of perversions and sometimes even repulsiveness. Such a shame. ()


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Englisch It is said that films based on real events, especially biographical films, are boring and often made out of duty or calculation. Kinsey shows that things can be done differently. The prerequisite is a strong subject, a quality screenplay, and casting. Kinsey does not deviate from reality in anything essential, and yet it occasionally reaches the grounds of pure comedy - thus, former views on human sexuality may seem absurd to us. In the first scene, a respectable older gentleman vehemently opposes the godless novelty - zippers on trousers that allow godless youth to satisfy their desires anywhere and anytime, which will surely lead our civilization to decline in a short time. The character Kinsey opened the forbidden 13th chamber of knowledge of human sexuality and showed us who we really are, not how narrow-minded interpreters of social morals and religious activists would like to see us. Kinsey used the scientific method of exploration where ignorance, hypocrisy, prejudice, and nonsensical taboos prevailed. He did not corrupt society; he just held up a mirror to it. His work significantly influenced the social atmosphere and the rise of the sexual revolution, as well as women's emancipation. His scientific findings were in some cases adjusted, but no one was able to challenge their fundamental insights. The film is a litmus test of tolerance and open-mindedness. I noticed that some enthusiastic fans of Californication (but not only them) and its promiscuity, emotional emptiness, and shallowness suddenly have great difficulties with Kinsey's sexual openness. The film provided a great acting opportunity for both Liam Neeson and Laura Linney, which they fully utilized. Overall impression: 95%. ()


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Englisch I'd love to meet Alfred Kinsey. Meeting a man who moves in his field with such undisguised passion, sacrificing almost his whole life to it, despite the negative response from society, is honestly something that very few people are lucky enough to have. And it was Condon's film that made me feel like I'd actually had the privilege of talking to him; his verve and dogged conviction in the usefulness of his actions rubbed off on me, and I gulped down the two hours like I would a cold beer after a day's hike. Neeson once again is great and confirmed his acting prowess, and among the multitude of supporting roles it’s worth mentioning, besides the always great Laura Linney, William Sadler, whose incredible character is not easily forgotten. If there’d been more people like Kinsey in the past, maybe we'd go naked on the street in the summer :-) 85% ()

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