
  • Englisch The Island


Him and her, alone on an island. A couple about to divorce are shipwrecked on their return from exotic vacation and are forced to survive in the tropical wilderness of a deserted island in the South Pacific. The dividing line determines the boundaries of one and the other - not to be eaten by anything and to get food, but it will require cooperation. In the romantic robinsonade, director Rudolf Havlík combines his two favourite themes - adventure and humour, which he complements with breath-taking shots of a Thai beach. The star-studded comedy will entertain anyone who likes travelling or adventure and romance. (Finále Plzeň)


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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Ein völlig überflüssiger und vorhersehbarer Film. Hier wurden das Talent der Autoren und der Schauspieler*innen, die Zeit des Publikums und das Geld von allen vergeudet, die gezahlt haben. Die einzige vernünftige Erklärung für die Entstehung dieses Films ist der Wunsch des Filmstabs, in ein exotisches Land zu reisen. So einen Ausflug kann aber jeder selbst bezahlen, man muss deshalb keinen leeren Film drehen. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch I gave it six minutes and seven seconds, but then I foolishly managed to last until the end. My mistake. A lot has been stolen in similar films, and when they even copied the mood development from the last quarter of Swept Away, I started hoping that they would finally be rescued. That island... From those unpleasant characters who are often annoyingly dense and, when overcoming crises, divide up the spoils like a bunch of idiots. If Wilson were there with them, he would get punctured and roll away to drown in the tide. ()



alle Kritiken

Englisch Jiří Langmajer and Jana Plodková are fantastic in their roles. Initially, Langmajer’s character is such a jerk, it's almost unbelievable. I bet he had to channel some of the jerks he’s encountered in his theater days for this role. As the story unfolds, their relationship develops in a surprisingly pleasant way. It’s a nice change of pace and a great film to relax with. ()

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