
Der junge Polizist Jake Hoyt absolviert einen Probetag bei seinem älteren Kollegen Alonzo Harris von der Drogenfahndung. Jake merkt schnell, dass es Alonzo mit dem Gesetz nicht allzu genau nimmt. Weil er sich nicht auf Alonzos korrupte Methoden einlassen will, gerät Jake bald in tödliche Gefahr... Es ist ein besonderer Tag im Leben des jungen Polizeibeamten Jake Hoyt: Weil er zum Drogendezernat von L.A. versetzt werden will, muss er Probedienst mit seinem älteren Kollegen Alonzo Harris schieben. Der idealistische Jake merkt schnell, dass Alonzos Ermittlungsmethoden alles andere als vorschriftsmäßig sind. Und das ist noch milde ausgedrückt: Denn Alonzo vertritt die These, dass man die kleinen Gangster bei ihren Geschäften gewähren lassen sollte, damit sie einem helfen, an die „großen Fische" heranzukommen. Dabei belässt es Alonzo jedoch nicht. Er erpresst auch Geld von den Gangmitgliedern und Dealern – denn er weiß, dass sie es nicht wagen werden, ihn bei seinen Polizeikollegen anzuzeigen. Jake hat für solche Methoden nur Verachtung übrig.
Er beweist seinem Vorgesetzten, dass man auch anders Erfolg haben kann, indem er bei einer versuchten Vergewaltigung eingreift und sich dabei streng an die Polizeivorschriften hält. Alonzo zeigt sich von soviel Rechtschaffenheit unbeeindruckt. Er hat seine eigenen Probleme, und die gedenkt er auf seine Art zu lösen. Dabei, das macht er Jake unmissverständlich klar, sollte der ihm besser nicht in die Quere kommen. Die Lage eskaliert, als Alonzo seinen jungen Kollegen zwingt, ihn zu einem Überfall auf den Dealer Roger zu begleiten. Jake weigert sich, den wehrlosen Roger zu erschießen. Alonzo, der genug von Jakes Gewissensbissen hat, liefert den jungen Cop daraufhin einer brutalen Latino-Gang aus. Glück im Unglück für Jake: Eines der Gangmitglieder erkennt in ihm den Polizisten, der die Vergewaltigung seiner Schwester vereitelt hat. Die Gang lässt Jake laufen – und der tut nun alles, um den korrupten Alonzo zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen... (RTL II)


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Englisch I have to agree with the majority opinion. While Denzel won an Oscar for this film, I think Ethan Hawke's performance was somewhat overlooked. The audience fully immersed themselves in his role, from which there was essentially no escape. He played the rookie role with real finesse, and his transformation from a naive young man to someone who understands the corruption within law enforcement was impressive. On the other hand, it’s not a groundbreaking film that would knock me off my seat. Denzel delivered his standard performance as a detective playing by his own rules, a character archetype that’s well-established in cinema. Nothing surprising, but it served its purpose. The intense dialogues between Hawke and Washington were a joy to watch. The action was present but sparse, as Antoine Fuqua seemed more focused on depicting the darker side of police work, which he did quite well. I might have expected a more chilling ending that would leave a stronger impression, and as it stands, it fizzled out a bit. Still, I recommend it, and I give it 79%. ()


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Englisch A police officer can do everything, is the basic axiom that experienced veteran Denzel Washington pulls out on the rookie he is accepting onto his team. Training Day is a stylized probe into the world of drug dealers, corrupt police officers, junkies, street gangs, and the filth of the city. During a single day, the protagonist played by Ethan Hawke loses any illusions about his profession, colleagues, and police career. It's a shame about the Hollywood clichés, which mainly affected the dragged-out finale and the necessary happy ending with the punishment of evil. Overall impression: 80%. ()



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Englisch A very well written and excellently directed crime drama, where two actors shine above all. Both Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke have their deserved nomination (or Oscar) and deliver truly excellent performances in this gritty ride. The depiction of the flip side of L.A. is not as impressive as Michael Mann's, but the rawness and commitment to the black community is evident here, and most sequences taking place in the dark gang hideouts are very interesting, with a constant dose of tension. Washington is truly a brutal motherfucking “nigga” and fully embraces his role. Also, the “blow everything up in one day” approach by the director was interesting and somewhat innovative. ()


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Englisch David Ayer and Antoine Fuqua in the early days and I can't believe how easygoing and excellent Training Day is. The story is simple, straightforward but interestingly convoluted and after two hours I feel like I've seen ten hours of series footage. Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington were amazing, I bought both of their roles perfectly and could feel the young rawness. There is also no shortage of action, concern for the main character or atmosphere. Well I was tense from start to finish, so I have no reason not to add that one more star and go for the full score. Decent proof that even a film with a theme you've seen hundreds of times can reach the top with just the help of a quality cast and the filmmaker's intense and suspenseful delivery. ()


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Englisch After this year's Academy Awards, I railed against the academics for not giving the Oscar to Russell Crowe, but after watching Training Day, I have to give them credit because Denzel Washington really got me. And not only him, but also Ethan Hawke, who also deserved the golden baldie. The film itself also deserves praise, it features a lot of directorial ideas and has an interesting plot. PS: You must see the original version, the bad dubbing brings the final rating down... ()

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