JEMAND ist in deinem Haus

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Makani muss mit ihrer Clique an der Osborne Highschool einen maskierten Killer aufhalten, der es auf Schüler abgesehen hat und deren größte Geheimnisse enthüllt. (Netflix)

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Deutsch Scream und Ich weiß, was du letzten Sommer getan hast, oder deren Kombination, werden wahrscheinlich zeitlos bleiben und immer ihr Publikum finden. Doch der neuesten Netflix-Variante fehlt es an Spannung, Interessantem und dem Charme der Originale. Die Pointe ist völlig stupide. Schließlich gingen mir die Quoten hier noch mehr als sonst auf die Nerven, da sie zu meiner subjektiven Voreingenommenheit gegenüber bestimmten Personen beitrugen. ()


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Englisch A classic slasher flick for a Friday night. You've got a bunch of unlikeable characters getting picked off in a series of entertaining deaths, courtesy of a pretty creepy killer. It's better than your average Netflix horror, but still just a middle-of-the-road scarefest aimed at giving the younger crowd a good fright. ()



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Englisch Great music and fleeting moments of atmosphere during which secrets from last year (and also spring, autumn, and winter) are revealed on a screaming backdrop. The opening lineup on the death list: a white football jock, a stupid school princess of the same skin color, and a pill-dependent Hispanic no one will ask about could surprise just as much as the heat of the trail leading to the local oddball. And then there’s a diverse group of individuals where you can’t be one hundred percent sure they won’t be the next victims, but you can bet your neck on who among them won’t be the perpetrator. The engaged woke culture now makes it incredibly easy for viewers of slasher films. ()


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Englisch A killer is on a rampage at a school, 3D printing a mask for each of the victims he kills - this in itself is quite original, and for perhaps the first time in a long time, a mask that surpasses even Happy Death Day. After the first murder, I rejoiced that, unlike the recent Netflix trilogy Fear Streat, the film wouldn't try to forcefully push infantile humor and would stick to serious, but it didn't happen. The story is classic, the gore is mediocre but there is so little of it that I find it hard to talk about the slasher style (three two-minute murders in ninety minutes not counting the finale...?), the characters are silly, the ending is predictable and once again dopey and wannabe heroic. I was looking forward to a great murder mystery spiced up with an innovative mask idea, but instead they went more the high school drama route, where we watch more parties and sex than the murders. I don't see what the problem is with making a proper, dense, brutal modern slasher instead of making whiny teen dramas over and over again. We can only hope for Halloween Kills at least... ()


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Englisch An entertaining slasher flick from Netflix that comes up with an original idea in a sub-genre where nothing much new can be invented. It features a killer who wears the mask of his victims and at the same time wants to reveal their dark secrets, and I liked that. I'm glad the film isn't PG-13 in the end as I feared, and that there is thankfully some gore. The murders could have been more brutal and there could have been more of them, of course, but they're quite inventive and unadorned. The high school characters are likeable, no one really bothered me here, I missed a wisecracking character, and there are no boobs again, but otherwise I had a good time for the whole 90 minutes + I commend the solid soundtrack. Story 3/5, Action 3/5, Humour 0/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 2/5, Actors 3/5. 6/10. ()

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