Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 83 Home Runs

0 leading off, 2 walk-off, 10 tying, 31 go ahead, 1 lacking some details

4 Tms
SLB 35
CLE 24
CHW 17
vs RHP 64
vs LHP 19
Home 44
Away 39
0 30
1 28
2 24
Unk 1
8 Opps
DET 15
NYY 14
PHA 12
BOS 11
CHW 11
9 Parks
Busch Stad 1 (STL) 26
ComiskeyPk 1 (CHI) 20
Tiger Stad (DET) 11
Fenway Pk (BOS) 9
ConnieMackSt (PHI) 8
Where Hit
7 48
9 15
78 8
89 3
8 1
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 74
2·HR gms 3
3·HR gms 1
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 43
1-- 16
12- 10
1-3 4
-2- 4
1 9
2 2
3 7
4 21
5 10
+4.. 4
+3 3
+2 7
+1 7
Tied 26
Before event,
for batter
LF 73
CF 5
RF 3
PH 2
3rd 36
5th 25
4th 12
6th 8
8th 2
High Lev 19
Medium Lev 31
Low Lev 24

Play By Play

Play By Play
1934 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111934-04-19 (1)BOSWSHGeneral Crowdertied 4-4b 90---1690.343100%Walk-OffHome Run (LF-CF)
22211934-05-22BOS@CHWSad Sam Jonesbehind 2-5t 9112-38PH0.34544%Home Run (Deep LF); D. Cooke Scores; M. Bishop Scores
33311934-06-28BOS@PHABill Dietrichbehind 0-6t 41---1580.0287%Home Run (Deep LF)
44411934-08-12 (2)BOSNYYJohnny Broacatied 0-0b 40---1680.11368%Home Run (Deep LF)
55511934-08-17 (1)BOSSLBBobo Newsomahead 1-0b 40---1580.09477%Home Run
66611934-08-18BOSDETTommy Bridgesahead 1-0b 40---1580.09477%Home Run
77711934-08-19 (1)BOSDETGeneral Crowderbehind 3-8b 92-233580.0122%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Werber Scores; R. Johnson Scores
1935 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
88111935-06-01 (2)SLBCLELefty Stewartbehind 0-1b 12---1370.09551%Home Run (Deep LF)
99211935-06-11 (2)SLBNYYVito Tamulistied 0-0b 111--2370.15371%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Clift Scores
1010311935-06-12 (1)SLBNYYLefty Gomezbehind 0-2b 11-2-2370.14453%Home Run (Deep LF); S. West Scores
1111421935-06-12 (1)SLBNYYLefty Gomezbehind 2-10b 82-2-2370.0030%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Clift Scores
1212511935-06-12 (2)SLBNYYJohnny Allenbehind 2-5b 421--237
1313611935-06-16 (1)SLBWSHBelve Beanbehind 5-8b 4012-337
1414711935-06-19 (1)SLBBOSWes Ferrellbehind 0-2b 321--2370.19951%Home Run (Deep LF); S. West Scores
1515821935-06-19 (1)SLBBOSWes Ferrellbehind 4-5b 71---1370.21755%Home Run (Deep LF)
1616911935-06-22SLBPHAGeorge Casterahead 6-3b 6212-3370.08398%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Clift Scores/unER; J. Burns Scores/unER; M. Solters Scores/unER
17171011935-07-07SLB@DETElden Aukertied 0-0t 111--237
18181121935-07-07SLB@DETElden Aukerbehind 2-8t 31---137
19191231935-07-07SLB@DETElden Aukerbehind 3-11t 501--237
20201311935-07-21 (2)SLB@NYYVito Tamulistied 1-1t 101---1370.37281%Home Run (Deep RF)
21211411935-07-28 (2)SLBCHWJohn Whiteheadbehind 2-3b 90---137
22221511935-07-30SLB@DETSchoolboy Roweahead 5-3t 721-33370.15396%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Lary Scores; J. Burns Scores
23231611935-08-03SLB@CHWJohn Whiteheadbehind 0-4t 42---1370.05616%Home Run (Deep RF)
24241711935-08-08 (2)SLBCLERalph Winegarnerahead 8-4b 62---1370.03096%Home Run (Deep LF)
25251811935-08-20 (1)SLBBOSWes Ferrellahead 2-0b 521-33370.14794%Home Run (LF-CF); L. Lary Scores; J. Burns Scores
1936 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2626111936-04-28SLB@PHAHarry Kelleybehind 1-4t 81---1370.05712%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
2727211936-05-09SLBCHWSugar Cainbehind 2-7b 82---1370.0153%Home Run (LF-CF)
2828311936-05-17SLBPHAHerman Finktied 5-5b 72---1370.20273%Home Run (Deep LF)
2929411936-05-23 (2)SLB@CHWMonty Strattontied 0-0t 60---1370.13563%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
3030511936-06-04SLB@WSHFirpo Marberrytied 0-0t 12---1370.09055%Home Run (Deep CF)
3131611936-06-24SLBWSHBobo Newsombehind 2-7b 921--2370.0051%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Clift Scores
3232711936-06-27SLBNYYRed Ruffingbehind 4-10b 921--2370.0020%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Clift Scores
3333811936-06-28 (1)SLBNYYJohnny Broacatied 1-1b 701234370.14896%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Hogsett Scores; L. Lary Scores; H. Clift Scores
3434911936-07-23SLBNYYMonte Pearsonbehind 0-7b 40---1370.0309%Home Run (Deep LF)
35351011936-07-27SLBBOSJim Henrytied 0-0b 111--2370.14270%Home Run (Deep LF); L. Lary Scores
36361111936-08-02 (2)SLBPHAHarry Kelleybehind 1-5b 521--237
37371211936-08-11SLB@CHWSugar Caintied 2-2t 501--2370.17572%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Clift Scores
38381311936-08-13SLB@CHWJohn Whiteheadbehind 1-2t 6012-3370.24775%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); L. Lary Scores; H. Clift Scores
39391411936-08-19SLBDETRed Phillipsahead 8-6b 60---1370.06889%Home Run
40401511936-08-20SLBDETTommy Bridgesahead 1-0b 321-33370.19785%Home Run (LF-CF); E. Caldwell Scores; H. Clift Scores
41411611936-08-28 (1)SLB@BOSJohnny Marcumahead 3-0t 51---1370.06985%Home Run (Deep LF)
42421711936-09-02SLB@PHABuck Rossahead 7-2t 41---1370.03793%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
1937 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4343111937-05-27CLE@PHAGeorge Casterbehind 2-4t 42---1570.09734%Home Run (Deep LF)
4444211937-05-29 (2)CLECHWBill Dietrichtied 1-1b 311234570.21587%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Lary Scores; B. Campbell Scores; H. Trosky Scores
4545311937-06-06CLEWSHMonte Weavertied 1-1b 20---1570.09765%Home Run (Deep LF)
4646411937-07-05 (2)CLE@SLBElon Hogsettahead 7-1t 6112-3570.02399%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Kroner Scores/unER; E. Averill Scores
4747511937-07-09CLE@DETRoxie Lawsonbehind 7-10t 70---1570.08221%Home Run (Deep LF)
4848611937-07-10 (1)CLE@DETJake Wadetied 2-2t 41--32570.14069%Home Run (LF-CF); H. Trosky Scores/unER
4949711937-07-11CLE@DETBoots Poffenbergertied 0-0t 40---1570.11161%Home Run (CF-RF)
5050811937-07-27CLE@PHAGeorge Casterahead 2-1t 61---1570.12374%Home Run (Deep LF)
5151911937-07-28CLE@PHABuck Rossbehind 3-4t 521--2570.24958%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Trosky Scores
52521011937-08-18 (2)CLE@SLBBill Trotterbehind 1-6t 6012-3570.12424%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Averill Scores; H. Trosky Scores
53531111937-09-01CLENYYKemp Wickerbehind 0-1b 411--2570.21366%Home Run; H. Trosky Scores
54541211937-09-02CLENYYIvy Andrewsahead 3-2b 80---1570.07593%Home Run
55551311937-09-03CLE@SLBEd Baechtahead 12-3t 8212-3570.001100%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Kroner Scores/unER; E. Averill Scores/unER; M. Solters Scores/unER
56561411937-09-09CLE@DETRoxie Lawsontied 1-1t 20---1570.09359%Home Run (LF-CF)
57571521937-09-09CLE@DETRoxie Lawsonahead 4-2t 32-2-2570.13982%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Trosky Scores
58581611937-09-11 (1)CLESLBElon Hogsettahead 1-0b 40---1570.09677%Home Run (Deep LF)
59591711937-09-17CLE@BOSBobo Newsombehind 0-1t 50---1570.12150%Home Run (Deep LF)
60601811937-09-18CLE@BOSArchie McKaintied 0-0t 41---1570.11258%Home Run (Deep LF)
61611911937-09-28CLE@CHWThornton Leetied 6-6t 100---1570.31882%Home Run (Deep LF)
62622011937-09-30 (2)CLE@CHWVern Kennedyahead 1-0t 1112-3570.17680%Home Run; E. Averill Scores; H. Trosky Scores
1938 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6363111938-06-08CLE@BOSLee Rogersahead 2-0t 31-233470.11787%Home Run (Deep LF); L. Lary Scores; B. Campbell Scores
6464211938-07-04 (1)CLE@DETElden Aukertied 1-1t 62---1470.14858%Home Run (CF-RF)
1939 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6565111939-04-29CLE@DETSchoolboy Roweahead 3-1t 4012-3390.12390%Home Run (Deep LF); S. Webb Scores; R. Weatherly Scores
6666211939-05-13CLE@CHWEddie Smithtied 1-1t 61---1470.15061%Home Run (Deep LF)
1940 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6767111940-06-11CHW@PHAEd Heusserbehind 3-4t 92-2-28PH0.68080%Home Run (Deep RF); E. McNair Scores
6868211940-06-16 (1)CHWBOSLefty Grovetied 0-0b 511--2670.21679%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Appling Scores
6969311940-06-18CHWNYYAtley Donaldahead 3-1b 40---1670.07485%Home Run (Deep LF)
7070411940-07-05CHWSLBElden Aukerbehind 4-5b 50---1470.14157%Home Run (Deep RF)
7171511940-07-18CHW@WSHKen Chasetied 0-0t 111-33470.18475%Home Run (Deep LF); M. Kreevich Scores; J. Kuhel Scores
7272611940-07-21 (1)CHW@PHAPorter Vaughantied 4-4t 30---1470.10861%Home Run (Deep LF)
7373711940-07-23CHWBOSHerb Hashbehind 1-5b 611--247
7474811940-07-24CHWBOSDenny Galehousebehind 0-1b 1112-3470.21471%Home Run (Deep LF); M. Kreevich Scores; J. Kuhel Scores
7575911940-07-27CHWNYYMarv Breuertied 5-5b 121---1470.411100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep LF)
76761011940-08-30CHWCLEBob Fellerbehind 0-3b 40---1470.09433%Home Run (LF-CF)
77771111940-09-08CHW@CLEAl Milnarbehind 2-4t 811--2470.29945%Home Run (Deep LF); M. Kreevich Scores
78781211940-09-14CHWPHANels Potterahead 3-0b 60---1470.04295%Home Run (Deep LF)
1941 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
7979111941-05-28CHWSLBDenny Galehousetied 1-1b 401--2670.18178%Home Run (Deep LF); D. Lodigiani Scores
8080211941-05-29CHWSLBGeorge Castertied 0-0b 50---1670.13971%Home Run (Deep LF)
8181311941-07-15CHWNYYSteve Peekbehind 2-5b 41---1670.09129%Home Run (Deep LF)
8282411941-08-27CHWWSHKen Chasebehind 0-4b 42---1670.06318%Home Run (Deep LF)
1943 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8383111943-06-24 (2)CHW@SLBAl Hollingswortht 6259

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