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  • Sha-Skin Regalia
  • 85 Armor
    +324 Stamina
    +188 [+19] Intellect
  • Meta Socket Meta Socket
    Prismatic Socket Prismatic Socket x5
  • +97 Critical Strike
    +81 [+11] Haste
    +78 Mastery
  • Sha-Skin Regalia (5 pieces)
  • Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Mantle]
    Inv chest cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Robes]
    Inv pants cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Leggings]
    Inv helmet cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Hood]
    Inv glove cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Gloves]
  • (2) Set: Increases the damage done by your Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt, Touch of Chaos, and Demonic Slash by 2%.
    (4) Set: While Dark Soul is active, your damage is increased by 10%.
  • Combined stats. Numbers in [brackets] indicate socket bonuses

Sha-Skin Regalia is the tier 14 warlock set. As the name suggests, it's modeled after the Sha.


The Sha-Skin Regalia items are sold by Neutral Commander Oxheart <Valorous Quartermaster> at Niuzao Temple in Townlong Steppes. They are purchased with Tokens of the Shadowy Conqueror.

The legs and hands armor also drops from Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit.

Slot Token
Head Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Shadowy Conqueror]
Hands Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Shadowy Conqueror]
Legs Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Shadowy Conqueror]
Shoulders Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Shadowy Conqueror]
Chest Inv chest chain 10 [Chest of the Shadowy Conqueror]


Sha-Skin Regalia (normal)
Sha-Skin Regalia (Raid Finder)
Sha-Skin Regalia (heroic)

Patch changes[]

Other versions[]

  • Raid Finder

    • Sha-Skin Regalia
    • 85 Armor
      +288 Stamina
      +165 [+19] Intellect
    • Meta Socket Meta Socket
      Prismatic Socket Prismatic Socket x5
    • +86 Critical Strike
      +71 [+11] Haste
      +68 Mastery
    • Sha-Skin Regalia (5 pieces)
    • Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Mantle]
      Inv chest cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Robes]
      Inv pants cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Leggings]
      Inv helmet cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Hood]
      Inv glove cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Gloves]
    • (2) Set: Increases the damage done by your Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt, Touch of Chaos, and Demonic Slash by 2%.
      (4) Set: While Dark Soul is active, your damage is increased by 10%.
    • Combined stats. Numbers in [brackets] indicate socket bonuses
  • Heroic

    • Sha-Skin Regalia
    • 95 Armor
      +365 Stamina
      +214 [+19] Intellect
    • Meta Socket Meta Socket
      Prismatic Socket Prismatic Socket x5
    • +111 Critical Strike
      +92 [+11] Haste
      +89 Mastery
    • Sha-Skin Regalia (5 pieces)
    • Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Mantle]
      Inv chest cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Robes]
      Inv pants cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Leggings]
      Inv helmet cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Hood]
      Inv glove cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Sha-Skin Gloves]
    • (2) Set: Increases the damage done by your Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt, Touch of Chaos, and Demonic Slash by 2%.
      (4) Set: While Dark Soul is active, your damage is increased by 10%.
    • Combined stats. Numbers in [brackets] indicate socket bonuses

External links[]
