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MobRisen Bonewarder
Image of Risen Bonewarder
Race Skeletal mage (Undead)
Level 41 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shadow Vault, Scholomance

Risen Bonewarders are level 41 elite skeletons that can be found in Scholomance, in the room with Lady Illucia Barov.


  • Bone Armor - Encases the caster in bone armor, absorbing 1000 damage for 1 min. While the armor holds, spellcasting cannot be interrupted by Physical attacks.
  • Consuming Shadows - Causes the caster to periodically inflict 100 Shadow damage to all enemies in a selected area, slowing their movement to 30%. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Drain Life - Drains 240 health from an enemy over 5 sec., transferring it to the caster.


You don't really need to carefully kill them slowly, they are quite fragile, so just blast away. Keep piling the damage on them and they will fall. Silence them when they cast Drain Life.

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