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Image of Mazoga
Gender Male
Race Sand troll (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independent
Former affiliation(s) Sandfury tribe
Location Sandsorrow Watch, Tanaris[42, 24]VZ-TanarisBlip
Status Deceased

Mazoga is a sand troll found at Sandsorrow Watch in Tanaris. He has been working with Trenton Lighthammer in order to help find and rebuilt the Inv sword 40 [Sul'thraze the Lasher]. He states that he is a traitor to his people in order to gain the trust of Trenton and adventurers that aid him, but reveals his true intentions after getting what he wanted.

He is killed inside Zul'Farrak, by his own people. Mazoga's Spirit gives further quests inside.



So, you wanna find de fabled swords of de Sandfury, eh?
Ya be ready ta kill for Sul'thraze? Spill de blood across de sands? In search of treasure, of power?
If ya are... welcome to de desert, mon.

While searching the oasis:

Joke's on you, mon. I found Jang'thraze long ago. Had both of de halves...'til some wily one come and steal one away in de night.
Now dat Sang'thraze is mine again, de only thing ya be findin' ya own fresh grave.
Behold! Sul'thraze the Lasher be rejoined!
Enough'a dis...Chief Sandscalp can't reward me if I'm dead, yah? Farewell, mon...for good.

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Quest giver Betrayer