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BossJes Howlis
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Title <The Salty Dog>
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 32-52 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Detention Block, Tol Dagor
Status Killable
Relative(s) Bobby Howlis (brother)
Tol Dagor

The Sand Queen
Jes Howlis
Knight Captain Valyri
Overseer Korgus



Jes Howlis is the second boss of Tol Dagor.

Adventure Guide[]

A vicious pirate of dubious loyalty, Jes Howlis was captured alongside his brother and locked away. After being released in a prison riot, Jes has since taken over as the de factor leader of the gang that controls the prinson's[sic] lower levels.


Jes Howlis seeks to crush his enemies and maintain leadership through Flashing Daggers and Howling Fear. At 50% health remaining, he uses Smoke Powder to distract them as he releases more fellow prisoners from their cells.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Get behind a pillar when Flashing Daggers is cast to prevent taking large damage.
  • Interrupt Howling Fear when it is being cast.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Get behind a pillar when Flashing Daggers is cast to prevent taking large damage.
  • Watch out for prisoners with stacks of Motivated as they will be inflicting high damage.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Get behind a pillar when Flashing Daggers is cast to prevent taking large damage.
  • Gain threat on released prisoners after Smoke Powder wears off.


  • Ability rogue fanofknives Flashing Daggers Deadly â€” Hurls daggers at all players within line of sight, inflicting 62 Physical damage and knocking them back.
  • Ability rogue dualweild Crippling Shiv Poison â€” Hurls a makeshift shiv at a target, inflicting 10 Nature damage and causing the target to suffer 4 Nature damage every 2 sec for 12 sec. This effect reduces movement speed by 50%.
  • Ability warlock howlofterror Howling Fear Interruptible â€” Releases a mighty howl, causing players within 60 yds to run in fear for 6 sec.
  • Ability rogue smoke Smoke Powder â€” Hurls a smoke bomb to the ground, stunning players for 6 sec and opening several prison cells to assist the caster.
    • Irontide Raider Tank Alert â€” A released convict that will do anything to escape.
    • Bobby Howlis Tank Alert Heroic Difficulty
      • Ability druid rake Vicious Mauling Interruptible â€” Leaps to a target, pinning them to the ground. While the target is pinned, they suffer 4 Physical damage every 1 sec for 30 sec.
      • Ability parry Blade Turning â€” Absorbs 50 damage on the caster. While this effect remains, the caster is unable to be interrupted.
      • Ability warlock howlofterror Howling Fear Interruptible â€” Releases a mighty howl, causing players within 60 yds to run in fear for 6 sec.
  • Ability warrior battleshout Motivating Cry Interruptible â€” Channels a rallying cry, applying a stack of Motivated every 2 sec for 45 sec.
    • Ability warrior intensifyrage Motivated â€” Damage done increased by 10% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.


Come on, boys! Rip open those doors!
Once we get our claws on the Overseer's hostages, we'll be up to our snouts in ransom money!
Fresh meat!
Flashing Daggers
  • This shiv is going right through your ribcage!
  • I've been sharpening these blades just for you.
Smoke Powder (50% health)
Come on, boys! Show them why this is our block!
Releasing Bobby Howlis
On your feet, little brother! There's killing to be done.
Killed a player
  • Dead meat.
  • I'm the alpha dog!
You should have stayed in your cells.
Bobby Howlis slain
Bobby Howlis yells: You're the one... who's supposed... to bleed...
Jes Howlis yells: Little brother!
Jes Howlis yells: You killed my kid brother. Now, I'm going to rip you to shreds.
Jes Howlis yells: But I was... up for... parole...
If Bobby is still alive:
Bobby Howlis yells: No! I'll never go back to that cell! NEVER!
Bobby flees from the detention block.
Ashvane Jailer yells: The beast is dead! Ashvane, secure the upper floors! I'll take care of this thief...


Patch changes[]

External links[]
