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Indellium hops

Indellium hops.


Indellium clusters, hidden by Keeper Orremin's magic.

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This article contains lore taken from the Warcraft manga or comics.

Indellium is a sacred species of hop plant only found in a hidden valley in the Stonetalon Mountains, where it is watched over by Orremin, a keeper of the grove. The plant has many uses—the keepers of the grove valued it for its medicinal properties, but as with many other hop plants, the flowers can also be used in brewing beer. It was once abundant before the Great Sundering, but after the rending of the world only a single field in Stonetalon remained.

Years ago, Orremin was awoken from the Emerald Dream by his dryad sisters and found that the field had been ravaged by goblins, all but destroying the indellium plants. The brewmaster Chen Stormstout—who had heard of a hidden valley in Stonetalon where the rarest hops grew—arrived and helped Orremin fight off the goblins and their machines, but the damage had been done: only two indellium clusters remained. Orremin offered a handful of hops to Chen as thanks for saving them, but knowing their rarity, Chen declined.

Around the time of the war against the Lich King, Li Li Stormstout and Strongbo made their way to the valley, which was seemingly empty. However, as a geomancer, Bo could sense that something was there. Orremin appeared and told the story of his meeting with Chen before revealing that he had cast an illusion to hide the indellium from sight. He explained that he soon had to return to the Emerald Dream to confront a growing darkness and that he had hidden the now-recovered plants in order to prevent any more interference from outsiders. He then asked the two pandaren to grant him a wish: to accept the same amount of indellium hops that he had offered to Chen and brew it into a beer as Chen had planned, as his way of saying thank you. Li Li granted his request and included the indellium in a brew of her own, which she believed was the "best brew on Azeroth", and which Blokk later stated was the best beer he'd ever had.[1]

