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Gender Female
Race Blue dragon (Dragonkin)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonflight
Occupation Matron Protectorate
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Malygos (consort),[1][2] Nymn (son)

Haleh is a blue dragon quest giver found near the entrance to Mazthoril in Winterspring. At the conclusion of the Nexus War, Haleh became the last living consort of Malygos, and the first consort ever to outlive a Dragon Aspect.


Haleh is the Matron Protectorate of the blue dragon lair Mazthoril in the cold region of Winterspring. She is studious, enjoying both literature and scholarly texts, and studies any bit of knowledge or trivia that she comes across. She is also best known for altering her forms and integrating into other societies. Haleh currently prefers the form of a female high elf. Like all blue dragons, she is peaceful, but very territorial.

With Haleh on his side, Malygos searches for any magical source or artifact and protects them so that mortal races may not endanger the world with their reckless use.

Awbee, an injured blue whelp on the ground inside Blackrock Spire, asked a group of heroes to find Haleh with one of its scales, as a message. Haleh requested their help and recruited them as her agents to make sure that Nefarian and his chromatic dragonflight were destroyed.

Haleh also asked Alliance heroes to get the blood of Drakkisath to create the Inv jewelry talisman 11 [Drakefire Amulet], a device that might grant them access to Onyxia's Lair.[3]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

At the time of the Cataclysm, Mazthoril fell under the control of Umbranse the Spiritspeaker.[4] Haleh moved near the entrance to Mazthoril in a small camp called Beryl Egress and was accompanied by Daleohm, Maseel, Zakk Sinon and Jaron Stoneshaper. She later sent the adventurers to kill Umbranse.[5]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
Azure Oathstone

Haleh alongside her flight at the Azure Oathstone.

Despite the rest of her brood heading off to the Dragon Isles, Haleh herself was noted as having remained behind. This was deemed strange by the simulacrum of Sindragosa and Kalecgos, who sought to reunite the blue dragonflight. Sindragosa, who had perished long before Malygos had taken Haleh on as a consort, had never met with Haleh before; but expressed interest in meeting with her as she was grateful for her having gone to Malygos in his time of need.[2] Alongside an adventurer, Sindragosa ventured to Winterspring where they found Haleh still toiling away. Displaying a similar quirkiness to other isolated dragons, such as Azuregos, Haleh had been dutifully working towards clearing Winterspring of its myriad issues, having found dozens of cursed or otherwise harmfully enchanted artifacts in the zone.[6] Haleh was initially surprised to see Sindragosa, rightly noting that the elder dragon was an illusion-- specifically a simulacrum.

Having reached a new milestone of forty days without finding a new artifact, an accomplishment for which Sindragosa expressed admiration, Haleh asked for aid on her latest investigation of relics.[7] Despite several being deemed harmless, Haleh did indeed discover yet another bewitched artifact, disheartening her immensely. Sindragosa attempted to comfort her fellow consort, but Haleh was disheartened. Ultimately she dispatched the adventurer to locate further artifacts for evaluation, finding little relief in the kind words of her lost broodmate.[8]

Seeking to alleviate some of Haleh's stress, Sindragosa suggested Haleh take a break. Leading her to the Frostfire Hot Springs, Haleh immersed herself in the springs; able to relax for the first time in months. She expressed gratitude to Sindragosa and the adventurer, claiming she would consider coming back to the Isles with them stating she still intended to make Winterspring safe for their people.[9] Haleh ultimately did choose to return with Sindragosa; choosing to aid Kalecgos in reuniting the flight.[10]

Haleh ultimately teamed up with the various other reunited dragons to aid Kalecgos in containing the rampant energies from Malygos and Sindragosa's discordant essences in the Veiled Ossuary in Thaldraszus. She worked alongside Azuregos, Lanigosa, Zeros, and Surigosa in clearing the area. She stood beside Kalecgos and the flight reunited after Sindragosa's simulacrum resumed its rest within the Azure Archives and was present for the passing on of Senegos.


Haleh in Frostfire Hot Springs

Haleh in Frostfire Hot Springs.

Location Level range Reaction Notes
Beryl Egress, Winterspring[58.0, 63.8]VZ-WinterspringBlip 15-30 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Winterspring storyline.
Ruins of Kel'Theril & Frostfire Hot Springs, Winterspring;
Azure Archives, Azure Span; Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus
70 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Blue Dragonflight questline.


During N [70] Owl of a Sudden
  • Spell arcane blast Arcane Blast â€” Dispels the curse of a raging owlbeast.
  • Spell frost glacier Freeze â€” Freezes an enemy in place and increases the Frost damage they take by 0%. Lasts until canceled.
  • Ability mage rayoffrost Frozen Beam â€” Inflicts 4 Frost damage to an enemy every 1 sec for 6 sec.
  • Inv misc questionmark Icicle Spike â€” Inflicts 10 Frost damage to an enemy.



Haleh before Cataclysm.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Pre-Cataclysm quests[]

WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.
WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 3.0.2 but is present in Classic Era.



What is it you ask of the Blue Flight?


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In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.
Haleh, Matron Protectorate HS

Haleh, Matron Protectorate in Hearthstone.

Haleh appears as a legendary Mage minion in the Onyxia's Lair mini-set for Hearthstone. Her flavor text reads: "Oh, how do you solve a problem like Onyxia?"


  • Before the Cataclysm, Haleh in her high elf form is found wearing the Inv chest cloth 49 [Robe of Winter Night], an item that can only be obtained by having its pattern dropped by the Cobalt Mageweavers around her.
  • Before the Cataclysm, she could be reached via a portal rune on the floor of the innermost part of Mazthoril. To reach the portal, one must somehow bypass the myriad blue dragonspawn, whelps, and the odd drake. If you were alone, the best idea was to get naked and corpse run it through. You could expect to die about five times this way. Another easy method for night elf hunters to get through Mazthoril was to run in and when your HP gets to about half Ability rogue feigndeath [Feign Death] near a wall then promptly Ability ambush [Shadowmeld]. Stay Shadowmelded until the cooldown on Feign Death is finished then run for it again.
  • Unlike The Mazagine, Haleh is not listed as a consort in Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects lineages, instead she is listed below them as Matron Protectorate.
  • During Kalecgos' quest to bring Haleh and other wayward blues back into the fold, Haleh noted that not all members of their flight were inclined toward cold temperatures, as was commonly believed.


Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]
