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For lore about grunts, see Grunt.
Grunt OrcGrunt
Race Orc
Faction Horde
Hit Points 60
Armor 2
4 (1 upgrade)
6 (2 upgrades)
Sight 4
Speed 10
Gold 600 Gold
Food 1 Food
Produced at Barracks
Build time 60 seconds
Basic Damage 6
Piercing Damage 3
5 (1 upgrade)
7 (2 upgrades)
Range 1
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Those Orcs who distinguish themselves enough in the arts of war to be trained as Grunts epitomize the merciless spirit of the Horde. Equipped with mighty axes and battle-worn armor, they are prepared to fight to the death. Devoted to the Horde and to their clans, the Grunt lusts for battle - wanting nothing more than to wade into the field of carnage and die a bloody death surrounded by the bodies of his fallen enemies.[1]


  • Grunts are basic ground units used for early-game rushes and defending your base.
  • Their main advantage is that they have very few requirements: food, gold, and Barracks.
  • Their main disadvantage is that they cannot retaliate against enemy ships and Gryphon Riders. In addition, they lack the punch to quickly destroy massed or well-protected towers; when faced with such, they should be supported by long-ranged units such as Catapults or Death Knights.
  • They are effectively made obsolete by Ogres, who are more cost-effective and versatile. The only reason to continue building Grunts once Ogres become available is if you are desperately short on lumber.


Upgrade Weapons (Damage +2)
Increases the piercing attack damage of Grunts, Ogres, Ogre-Mages, and Goblin Sappers by +2.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
500 SmGoldWC2 100 SmLumberWC2 Blacksmith 200 secs.
Upgrade Weapons (Damage +2)
Further increases the piercing attack damage of Grunts, Ogres, Ogre-Mages, and Goblin Sappers by +2.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
1500 SmGoldWC2 300 SmLumberWC2 Blacksmith 250 secs.
Upgrade Shields (Armor +2)
Increases the armor of Grunts, Ogres, and Ogre-Mages by +2.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
300 SmGoldWC2 300 SmLumberWC2 Blacksmith 200 secs.
Upgrade Shields (Armor +2)
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Ogres, and Ogre-Mages by +2.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
900 SmGoldWC2 500 SmLumberWC2 Blacksmith 250 secs.


See also[]

