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Find Weakness
Ability rogue findweakness
  • Find Weakness (2 ranks)
  • Row 9 rogue talent
  • Passive
  • Your Stealth abilities reveal a flaw in your target's defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass 15/30% of that enemy's armor for 10 sec.
Class Rogue
Talent required Spell shadow twilight [Soothing Darkness]
Related buff
Ability rogue findweakness
  • Find Weakness
  • 15/30% of armor is ignored by the attacking Rogue.
  • Duration: 10 seconds

Find Weakness is a rogue class talent. It causes you to ignore 300% of an enemy's armor for 18 seconds after using Cheap Shot or Shadowstrike.

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Now affects all stealth abilities (was Ability cheapshot [Cheap Shot] and Ability rogue shadowstrike [Shadowstrike]). Now a row 9 class talent (was a level 37 Subtlety ability).
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Re-added at level 37 (was 20). Now affects Cheap Shot and Shadowstrike (was Ability rogue ambush [Ambush], Ability rogue garrote [Garrote], and Cheap Shot) and ignores 30% of armor for 18 seconds (was 100% of armor for 10 seconds).
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Find Weakness' effects have been merged into baseline Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot for Subtlety rogues.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Now bypasses 100% of armor against non-player targets, and bypasses 50% of armor when used against other players (was 70% armor bypass for all targets).
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now a level 20 Subtlety ability (was a Tier 3 Subtlety talent).
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Now grants 35/70% armor reduction, up from 25/50%.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Redesigned as a Tier 3 Subtlety talent (was a Tier 8 Assassination talent). Your Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot abilities reveal a flaw in your target's defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass 25/50% of that enemy's armor for 10 sec.
    Old: Offensive ability damage increased by 2/4/6%.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.

See also[]

External links[]
