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Image of Al'Ara
Gender Female
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Al, Enlightened
Location Haven, Zereth Mortis;[34.78, 64.82]VZ-Zereth MortisBlip
Idyllia, Oribos[66.91, 41.03]VZ-OribosBlip
Status Active

Al'Ara (or Al'ara)[1] is a broker of Cartel Al. She is initially encountered as Elder Ara, one of the three elders who lead the Enlightened of Haven in Zereth Mortis. The other two are Elder Kreth and Elder Zoor. She is more welcoming of outsiders than her fellow elders and, by her own admission, is much more open-minded about how to honor the works of the First Ones.[2]

Ara vouches for the Maw Walkers when they first arrive in Haven[3] and helps them open the Ancient Waystone to Oribos after they defend the village from the Mawsworn.[4] She later agrees to take a Maw Walker on a pilgrimage to unlock the Sepulcher of the First Ones.[5] The journey goes first to Provis Esper where the two find some Conduction Remnants,[6] then to Pilgrim's Grace in a failed attempt to use them to unlock the Ancient Translocator to the Sepulcher,[7] and then to the Catalyst Wards to get help from Feroz, a broker who knows how to restore the remnants[8][9] but whose fellow pilgrims have been trapped by rampant automa and plantlife.[10][11]

With the help of venthyr reinforcements, the Maw Walker fights their way through the Catalyst Gardens to the Creation Catalyst,[12] where Ara joins them and guides them on how to repair the Conduction Remnants with the Catalyst. Ara states that by doing this, she breaks the first law of her people—a law she helped make—but that her "path has forked" and that she must walk it.[13] With the remnants restored, the pilgrimage concludes. Ara sends the Maw Walker back to the Translocator to the Sepulcher to open it and thanks them for an "enlightening" adventure.[14]

When spoken to back in Haven after this event, Ara states that she's been thinking about the pilgrimage and that it's time for her and the hero to part ways. She then heads through the Ancient Waystone to Oribos, where she rejoins Cartel Al, resumes her old name of Al'Ara, and can subsequently be found sitting in the northern room of the Idyllia. However, she remains part of the Enlightened reputation faction. The other elders in Haven don't comment on her departure.


Forging Unity from Diversity

Ara outside Provis Esper.

Into the Unknown
  1. N [60] Destroying the Destructors AvailablequestActivequest
  2. N [60] This Old Waystone Activequest
Forging a New Path
  1. N [60] Enlisting the Enlightened Activequest
  2. N [60] Forging Unity from Diversity AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] Reclaiming Provis Esper and N [60] Remnants of the First Ones AvailablequestActivequest
  4. N [60] The Pilgrim's Journey AvailablequestActivequest
  5. N [60] Glow and Behold AvailablequestActivequest
  6. N [60] Where There's a Pilgrim, There's a Way AvailablequestActivequest
  7. N [60] In the Weeds AvailablequestActivequest
  8. N [60] Nip It in the Bud AvailablequestActivequest

At the Creation Catalyst:

  1. N [60] Key Crafting Activequest
  2. N [60] The Pilgrimage Ends Availablequest



Key Crafting

Ara communing with the Creation Catalyst.

Main article: Defending Haven#Notes
Main article: This Old Waystone#Notes
Main article: Enlisting the Enlightened#Notes
Main article: Forging Unity from Diversity#Notes
Main article: Remnants of the First Ones#Notes
Main article: Glow and Behold#Notes
Main article: Where There's a Pilgrim, There's a Way#Notes
Main article: In the Weeds#Notes
Main article: Nip It in the Bud#Notes
Main article: Key Crafting#Notes



Al'Ara in the Idyllia.

  • Greetings.
  • Yes?
  • You may speak.
  • I have enough problems.
  • Farewell.
  • Good luck in your future endeavors.
  • I will be here when you need another favor.


A pilgrim's journey is one of self-discovery.
Outside Provis Esper
The works of the First Ones are beyond comprehension.
Provis Esper during N [60] Reclaiming Provis Esper and N [60] Remnants of the First Ones
The devourers are almost as much of a threat to Zereth Mortis as the Mawsworn. Almost.
Haven after N [60] The Pilgrimage Ends
I have been thinking about our pilgrimage, <name>.
Gossip What do you mean?
Ara mounts her vombata.
Elder Ara says: This where our paths diverge, Maw Walker.
She rides out of town to the Ancient Waystone and disappears.
The Idyllia
For better or worse, I am home.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Elder Ara Al'Ara