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Image of Finn
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Trade District, Stormwind City [61.6, 65.8]VZ-Stormwind CityBlip

Finn is a human child located outside Northshear Abbey in the Trade District of Stormwind City. He sells cosmetic eyeglasses, also sold by his Horde counterpart Ca'nees.

Finn / Ca'nees
Item Cost Type
Inv helm glasses b 01 black teal [Simple Glasses] 5g Grey full-rimmed circular glasses
Inv helm glasses b 03 gold pink [Dazzling Spectacles] 50g Gold half-rimmed glasses
Inv helm glasses b 01 gold2 teal [Tasteful Eyeglasses] 15g Brown full-rimmed circular glasses
Inv helm glasses b 01 gold2 pink [Historical Perspective Shifters] 250g Brown full-rimmed pink circular glasses
Inv helm glasses b 01 black black [Onyx Glare-Reducers] 500g Silver-rimmed circular sunglasses


Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Ashleigh Warner on Twitter (2022-02-12). Retrieved on 2022-02-12.​ “Story time: the glasses weren’t on the schedule—no one had time to put them in game. Russ MADE time and got them working and made the vendors himself. He also asked if I wanted the vendor to be my son ☺️. He’s an awesome guy ❤️.

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