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Divine Steed
Ability paladin divinesteed
  • Divine Steed
  • Row 3 paladin talent
  • 45 sec recharge
  • Instant
  • Leap atop your Charger for 3 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Usable while indoors or in combat.
Class Paladin
School Holy
Recharge 45 seconds
Talent required Spell holy devotionaura [Auras of the Resolute] or Ability paladin speedoflight [Obduracy] or Spell holy crusade [Auras of Swift Vengeance]
Improvements Ability paladin divinesteed [Cavalier], Spell nature swiftness [Seasoned Warhorse], Spell holy crusaderaura [Steed of Glory]
Related buff
Ability paladin divinesteed
  • Divine Steed
  • Increases ground speed by 100%.
  • Duration: 3 seconds

Divine Steed is a paladin class talent.



Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 (2023-03-21): No longer on the global cooldown and now lasts an additional second.
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Now a row 3 class talent (was a level 17 ability). Has a new sound when summoned.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Now learned at level 17 (was 28).
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): No longer cancels when it interferes with collision.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12):
    • No longer cancels when it interferes with collision.
    • A number of character behavioral issues affecting players while transformed into the opposite faction have been fixed. These include fixes to Paladins' Divine Steed.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Divine Steed glyphs from the Legion Order Hall are now accessible account-wide.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-22): Divine Steed can no longer be used while Hexed.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-12): Paladins can now use Divine Steed while carrying a flag in battlegrounds.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-02): Divine Steed is now granted to all Paladins at level 28.
Was a talent for Holy (at level 30) and Retribution (at level 90). Its place as a talent is now filled by Ability paladin divinesteed [Cavalier].
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-07-22): Fixed a bug preventing Divine Steed from working at the proper level.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links[]
