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For his The Frozen Throne statistics, see Bovan Windtotem (Warcraft III).
HordeBovan Windtotem
Image of Bovan Windtotem
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Windtotem tribe
Occupation Spiritwalker
Location Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Deceased

Bovan Windtotem was the leader of the Windtotem tribe.


Invasion of Durotar[]

WC3RoC-logo This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

In contrast to the other tauren who made a home in Thunder Bluff, the Windtotem remained nomads.[1] Shortly after the Third War, Bovan and his tribe were located in a tauren camp in Mulgore when they were approached by Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout. Rexxar explained that they had been sent by Tagar Bloodhoof to enlist Bovan's aid in finding and rescuing the captured Baine Bloodhoof. After using his magic to locate the Bloodhoof heir, Bovan and his companions joined the trio, with the group successfully raiding the centaur camp led by Khiragg, killing the warlord and liberating Baine.[2]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Sometime after the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Bovan received visions of the Windtotem traveling to a faraway land. Believing that the visions came from the Wild God Ohn'ahra, the tribe made the decision to travel to the Ohn'ahran Plains. Prior to heading to the Dragon Isles, Bovan shared his vision with Baine and the other tauren at Thunder Bluff, gaining recruits along the way. However as the Windtotem traversed the plains, they were attacked by Clan Nokhud and Primalists forces, who were convinced that the Windtotem were druids seeking to aid the Green dragonflight.[3]

While some Windtotem were able to escape the centaur, others were taken prisoner and brough to the Shikaar Highlands, with Bovan being amongst the later. Though revealing himself as the leader of the Windtotem, he was taken to Nokhudon Hold.[4] Upon his arrival he was personally interrogated by Jamoku and ultimately lost his life. His body was later discovered by Baine, who in his grief and rage attacked the centaur and personally avenged Bovan by killing Jamoku.[5][6]

In the aftermath his body was recovered and taken to Toghusuq Village, the Windtotem and Maruuk Centaur held a joint funeral for their shared fallen.[7] Sometime later Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout traveled to the village and joined Baine in reminiscing about Bovan.



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