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Inv sword 09
Blade of Eternal Darkness

Gnome wielding the Blade of Eternal Darkness

The Blade of Eternal Darkness has no specific class restriction, but it is aimed more towards spellcasting classes. If a character wields this dagger and casts a damaging spell on an enemy, there is a chance that the dagger will deal 91 Shadow damage to the target as well as restoring 91 mana to the wielder.


This item drops from Princess Theradras, final boss of Maraudon.


Ability such as Spell shadow shadowform [Shadowform] and Warlock curse shadow [Curse of the Elements], which increase overall Shadow damage, will also increase the damage done by the proc. The damage can also crit but has its own rate. The mana regenerated cannot be increased.

Non-Channeling AoE damage spells like Ability warlock shadowfurytga [Shadowfury] can cause more than one proc at the same time (can proc once per each enemy hit), resulting in more damage done and mana returned by proc.

The effect is named Engulfing Shadows.

The blade's drop rate is estimated at 0.1%.

The dagger was changed in Patch 1.10.0. Previously, the proc was an "On Use" ability with a 1.5 second casts and a 30 second cooldown.

Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Stats squished.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Item level reduced from 54 to 39.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it only works with direct damage spells.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.12.1 (2006-09-26): The Blade of Eternal Darkness will now only proc when damage is done.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.12.0 (2006-08-22): The triggered effect from this weapon will no longer occur when the spell being cast has its effect broken by causing damage.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.10.0 (2006-03-28): The On Use ability on the Blade of Eternal Darkness has been changed to an On Equip triggered effect with a chance to occur on any damage spell.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.8.0 (2005-10-10): Blade of Eternal Darkness now has an appropriate minimum level.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.2.0 (2004-12-18): Added.

See also[]

External links[]
