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NecrolordAsset Extraction
Start Atticus
End Au'larrynar
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Weekly
Category Abominable Stitching
Experience 9,450
Reputation +750 Stitchmasters
Rewards Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts [Superior Parts]
Inv crate 06 [Salvaged Supplies]


Travel to Ardenweald, locate Tabithia, and recover the Otherworldly Egg.


Hey, its my good pal <name>! Listen, I'm in a bit of a bind here. I've been trying to negotiate a deal with the broker Au'larrynar and he needs a little something, a job done before he'll accept.

The deal is he had an associate who went missing with a rare item. He's asked that I... we... locate and return the missing property.

The associate was last seen in Ardenweald. I know, strange place, way too bright for me. But, I... we... really need this deal to go through!

So, You ready to go?


You will receive:

Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts [Superior Parts] Inv crate 06 [Salvaged Supplies]


I trust you have held up to your part of the deal?


Ah, now this is exquisite. Your reconstructed companion said you would be able to come through and you've done so magnificently!

Let him know I'll count this toward the repayment of his debts.

Criteria of[]


Approaching Tabithia
  • Tabithia lets out a deep, drawn out sigh.
  • Tabithia looks around at the ruined furniture with an exasperated expression.
Speaking with Tabithia
Just... leave me alone.
Gossip I was told you have something for Au'larrynar...
I guess you're here to collect for that Broker, huh?
You're too late, a damned gorm ate it.
Gossip A gorm ate it?
Yeah, a huge one! It crawled out of the ground right under my furniture. I guess the egg must have some sort of scent because the Gorm ignored everything else, it just grabbed the egg and swallowed it.
Unless you have an extremely keen sense of smell, good luck ever finding the thing. You might as well let the Broker know that his precious bauble is gone.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to wallowing in my misery.
Atticus says: I've just the item that could help. Check my inventory.

After using Nidore Ocularis, follow the green glow to find Izik the Dissolver. Kill it for the Egg.

After retrieving the egg, Tabithia has new gossip:

You were able to find it?
Well, good for you.
Know what? You deserve something...
<Tabithia makes an exaggeratedly slow, single clap.>
There, now go away! I'm kind of busy here, you know... in the wreckage of my house.

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