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NecrolordA Good Heart
Ruthless Heart
Start Rathan[24.2, 38.6]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Rathan[24.2, 38.6]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Weapon of Mass Construction
Next N [60] The Slaughter Daughter, N [60] Bottled Up Inside


Place a heart in Emenis'[sic] construct.

  • Heart collected
  • Heart placed in Emeni's construct.


Despite the beliefs of most people, Emeni has a kind heart. least she will have one, once you give it to her!

I can think of no one better than you, Maw Walker, to give Emeni a new heart. Perhaps this will warm her blood towards you. You might become friends or even soulbinds!

Please select and place a heart in Emeni's construct.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


I hope you chose well!


You've done it, the construct is completed. The Slaughter Daughter lives again!


A Good Heart

Emeni and the powered-up Construct

Three hearts are hanging on chains behind Rathan: a Kind Heart, a Strong Heart, and a Ruthless Heart. The choice of heart has no effect on the rest of the questline, so pick whichever one you prefer. Regardless of your choice, Emeni says the following when you pick it up:

Emeni says: We will be powerful allies, Maw Walker. But not friends. I do not have "friends".

Carry the organ over to the Construct body, which is now surrounded by energy.

Inv misc organ 01 Carry Heart â€” You are carrying a heart, large enough for use in the body of a construct.

Upon getting close enough, you automatically toss the heart at the Construct. Turn in to Rathan. On completion, Emeni's soul enters the construct, transforming her into an abomination, now with the title of <The Slaughter Daughter>.

Emeni says: You are speaking to a princess!

She quickly shuffles over to you and offers the next two quests, N [60] The Slaughter Daughter and N [60] Bottled Up Inside. The Curious Souls around the area chime in with comments about Emeni's return:

  • Curious Soul says: Emeni, back in a construct? Someone's going to die!
  • Curious Soul says: Emeni is back!
  • Curious Soul says: I can't believe Emeni is back!
  • Curious Soul says: The Margrave is in trouble!


  1. N [60] Rebellious Souls
  2. N [60] Find The Way
  3. N [60] Loose Threads & N [60] Skin in the Game
  4. N [60] Weapon of Mass Construction
  5. N [60] A Good Heart
  6. N [60] The Slaughter Daughter & N [60] Bottled Up Inside
  7. N [60] A Place To Call Home
  8. N [60] At Your Service

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