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Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
The subject of this article or section was part of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, a one-time world event that heralded the opening of Ahn'Qiraj.
For other versions, see A Donation of Runecloth.
HordeA Donation of Runecloth
Start Ralston Farnsley
End Ralston Farnsley
Level 60 (Requires 59)
Category Undercity
Experience 9,450
Reputation +350 Undercity
Next Additional Runecloth


<name>, you've been a tremendous contributor to our cloth drive. As we work hard to replenish our reserves, one form of cloth remains critically low - runecloth. We are in absolutely dire need of runecloth, and we hope that you will be able to help us as you have in the past.

If you are willing, please bring me what runecloth you can spare. We'll initially accept a single donation of sixty, and then we'll go from there.


Fantastic - these will go right to use, I assure you. Thank you again for your assistance! We'd certainly be lost without you.

With all the donations you've made, I would certainly process any additional runecloth donations you care to make in the future. Just be sure to check in with me, and I'll personally make sure that your good deeds won't go unrecognized!


  1. H [60] A Donation of Wool
  2. H [60] A Donation of Silk
  3. H [60] A Donation of Mageweave
  4. H [60] A Donation of Runecloth
  5. H [60] Additional Runecloth (Repeatable)

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