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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Andra2404 (talk | contribs) at 15:07, 20 June 2010 (→‎School Results). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

I like to help , especially editing AE's AQ and characters , DF and characters , MQ , AQW and Archknight . I made many mistakes , and I hope that I not angryed the Wikipedia Staff . SORRY for creating or writing useless informations ! My only useful thing was the AdventureQuest Classes .

Well , now , since I made 1000 edits , I am like a Wikipedia Amateur , since 1000 edits is nothing compared to the enormous 3.000.000 articles of the current date .

PS : I am a boy

Educational Progress

School Progress

Nursery School

I first went to the nursery school .


We once needed to draw something . I drawed a church , and it was very beautiful , for my age .

  • I should receive a diploma , but I didn't .

Primary Classes

1th class progress


I finally went to school . But , because it was the first class , there were no contests .

  • Diploma for beign good

2th class progress


During the 2th class , I went to the Mathematics Kangaroo . I was young , so I didn't qualify .

Kangaroo : First Phase [didn't qualified]

  • Diploma for beign good

3th class progress


During the 3th class , I got my revenge and qualified at Kangaroo . I joined the the Informathics club in the 2th class , but we were working in Microsoft Word . This time we made Programming , and I went to some contests . Also , me and my brother won the contest for the most beautiful costumes (made by my mother) at the End of the Year Festivity .

Kangaroo : First Phase [qualified] , Second Phase [didn't qualified]

Big awards of the palace : none

Informatics contest : 2nd place

End of the Year Celebration : 1st place

  • A pencilbox at the Celebration

4th class progress


In the 4th class , I grew-up , and qualified at Kangaroo again . At Archimedes , a hard contest , I didn't qualified , but this time I learned more about Informathics and got awards for this , but due to a very minor but important mistake I was able to achieve the 3rd place at the Big Award of the Palace , until a contestation was made and the 2nd place was rewarded upon me . I also went to Olympiads .

Kangaroo : First Phase [qualified] , Second Phase [didn't qualified]

Archimedes : First Phase [didn't qualified]

Big Award of the Palace : 2nd place

Informatics contest : 1st place

Mathematics Olympiad : School Phase [didn't qualified]

Romanian Olympiad : School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [didn't qualified]

English Kangaroo : First Phase [didn't qualified]

  • A book , "The Lost Prince" ;
  • A sticker ;
  • A mouse

Advanced Classes

5th class progress


Now I got to the Advanced school , and had success at the Math Olympiad , but not as much success at the Romanian Olympiad . I had success at Archimedes , but I missed the third part because I didn't payed . I also passed the first part at the Informathics contests . The first informatics contest in the 5th class was a disaster , because it was in the same day with the Romanian Olympiad , so I was tired , and didn't make anything . I missed the second informatics contest .

Mathematics Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [qualified] , Municipal Phase [didn't qualified] .

Romanian Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [didn't qualified]

Archimedes = First Phase [qualified] , Second Phase [qualified] , Third Phase [missed it]

English Contest = First Phase [don't know]

Math Light = none

Informatics Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [qualified] , Municipal Phase [didn't qualified]

Informatics Contest I = none

Informatics Contest II = missed it

Informatics Contest III = Test [didn't qualified]

Mathematics San Frontiero = First Phase [didn't qualified]

School Results
  • FIRST SEMESTER : 9.92 (9 at Math)
  • SECOND SEMESTER : 9.68 (9 at Math , 7 at Geography)
  • YEAR SEMESTER : 9.80 (9 at Math , 8,50 at Geography)

6th class progress


In the 6th class , I became president of my class . The contests have started . This year , I won't have part of so much informathics contests , because I am kinda bit behind what I should have know for going to contests . I participated for the my first time to Winners , a contest about culture , regarding different topics , and I just didn't used what I knew and what I knew that I knew . I also wanted to go to Josse Marti , a contest recommended by my mathematics meditation teacher , but it was too late to subscribe at it .

National Test of Mathematics = [75p]

National Test of Romanian = [88p]

Archimedes = First Phase [qualified] , Second Phase [qualified] , Third Phase [22p]

Romanian Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [didn't qualified]

Math Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [qualified] , Municipal Phase [lost it]

Josse Marti = First Phase [lost it]

English Kangaroo = First Phase [awaiting results]

Mathematics Kangaroo = First Phase [72p] , Second Phase [121p]

Winners = First Phase [didn't qualified]

Math Light = none

Mathemathics San Frontiero = First Phase [didn't qualified]

Mathematics Evaluation = First Phase [lost it]

School Results
  • SECOND SEMESTER : 9,86 {9 at Math , 9 at Biology}
  • YEAR SEMESTER : 9,93 {9,50 at Math , 9,50 at Biology}
  • First Place Diploma

7th class progress


In the 7th Class , I again won the "elections" and became the president of my class , but this time I had more rivals . I can't say that I am glad to claim this title , but the "people" have spoken . Strangely , there was no National Contest of Romanians . I missed Math Light because I was sick , and since it was the 2009 flu pandemic , I decided it was best to stay home . I didn't qualified at the Romanian Olympiad because only two of my school could qualify , and I wasn't one of them . At Archimedes , I initially got 13 points , but after I made a contestation I got 15 points , which was necessary to qualify . I also abandoned Informatics because I lost to many lessons to continue . I also went for my first time to the Biology Olympiad , and even Civics and Religion Olympiad , and I will go for my first time to the Chemistry Olympiad . This year , I wanted to go to Josse Marti , the contest at which I failed to go the previous year , but it was on the same day with the Biology Olympiad , so I passed it . I also had some hard time in qualified at the Biology Olympiad , as I had 69 points , and 70 were required to qualify . I lost the Romanian Evaluation because it was on the same day with Archimedes , plus the Religion Olympiad .

  • National Test of Mathematics = [58p]
  • Math Light = First Phase [missed it]
  • Romanian Olympiad = First Phase [didn't qualified]
  • Archimedes = First Phase [qualified] , Second Phase [didn't started yet]
  • Civics Olympiad = School Phase [awaiting results]
  • Biology Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [didn't qualified]
  • Religion Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [missed it]
  • Chemistry Olympiad = School Phase [didn't started yet]
  • Mathematics Olympiad = School Phase [didn't qualified]
  • Josse Marti = First Phase [lost it]
  • Mathematics Evaluation = First Phase [76p]
  • English Kangaroo = First Phase [didn't subscribed]
  • Romanian Evaluation = First Phase [lost it]
  • English Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [98p , qualified] , Municipal Phase [didn't started yet]
  • Mathematics Kangaroo = First Phase [awaiting results]
  • Mathematiques san Frontier = First Phase [didn't qualified]
  • Romanian Evaluation = Third Phase [awaiting results]
  • Chemistry Olympiad = School Phase [qualified] , Sector Phase [qualified] , Municipal Phase [didn't started yet]
School Results

8th class progress


9th class progress

10th class progress

11th class progress

12th class progress


Creative progress

Non-School Progress

Artix Entertaiment Contests

2008 Contests

The drawing I personaly made , which I subscribed for AE's 2008 Christmas Contest - from left to right : Icemaster Yeti - Honorary Protector of Frostval , Chilly the Frost Moglin , The Moglin City of Frostval and Loremaster Maya , all happy to celebrate the Christmas which is known in Dragonfable as Frostval .

I participated at many Artix Entertaiment contests , but curently , I won none . In the Draw-a-undead Contest , I drew a Elder Sage , which could became a monster for the Necropolis War , which could use medicines to attack . In the Christmas Contest , my link had problems , so probably , few saw my picture .

  • Draw-a-undead Contest : none
  • Christmas Contest : none

2009 Contests

The First contests of this year in which I participated was a bit too late , but here am I . In the Great Fire War Contest , I made only 3 edits to a captured scrennshoot with Xan the Mad Pyromancer . I wanted to replace the picture with something more interesting , but the contest was already over .... I have back luck with these contests , but at least I get experience , so that one day , I will succed . I like to cook , so I entered the cookie contest . Well , my cookie didn't quite became a holiday cookie . Anyone wants a Chocolate Twilly ?

  • Great Fire War Contest : none
  • Frostval Creative Cookie Contest : none
Entry Links
Great Fire War Poem

I know the contest is over , but still , I got an idea for a poem long before the contest was over . I initially wanted to write a poem , but I though that my chances would be higher if I would make a picture . Obviously , I was wrong . It's pretty sad that I didn't used this , cuz I could win . I underestimated my talents in poems , so I lost the chance of this year . But I still have chances to prove my ability in the AE contests .

Fall of Akriloth

Akriloth rampaged the land - Reduced everything to sand - Heroes came to give a hand - Wizards used their powerful wand

Oh , dear warrior , have no fear - Dear villager , drop no tear - Akriloth , if you can hear - Only come , we'll rip you ear

Homes are ashes , villages burn - The citizens lost friends and mourn - All the cities burn and burn - But finally it's our turn

We call to battle all in sight - Come , help us and prove your might - To show the power of the light - Fight back even in the night

Now we will go to east - And in Hell we shall hold a feast - To celebrate the fall of the beast - Who rampaged the entire east

Akriloth will finally fall - And to battle the hero we call - Maybe this dragon is very tall - But when it's all over we'll go to the mall !

2010 Contests

My submission to the AQW Drawing Contest : Loco and his pranks ! You can see the Master of Evil {Twig} , a Red Herring , Radagast and Khold Stareigh , and Loco the God of Pranks .

This year , I participated to the Zardian Poetry Contest , because I am good at making rhymes , and because it will be one more contest for the list . I also participated at the AdventureQuest Worlds Drawing Contest , and also entered the DragonFable Inspirational Poster Contest . At the DragonFable Name the Great Elemental Dragons Contest , I gave most of the dragon names by backward words , like nightmare , tornado , rock , and so on .

  • Zardian's Poetry Contest : none
  • AQW Drawing Contest : none
  • DragonFable Inspirational Poster Contest : none
  • DragonFable Name the Great Elemental Dragons Contest : awaiting results
Entry Links
Valentine's Poetry
The Symbol of Valentine's Day

This is my submission to The Zardian's Poetry Contest . Well , Let's just say Lord Frydae {which is ironically my forum avatar} found his love this Snugglefest , even if it is a Vampire Queen .

The Love of Lore

Snugglefest , oh Snugglefest - Love carries us to the West

As the Hero's Heart Day came - Love spread and hearts are same

While Valentine is coming soon - The Moglins are looking at the Cupid's Moon

While Romance is in the air - Moglins came as two in pair

As love is above and down - With kisses lorians shall drown ....

Artix Entertainment Unofficial Contests

2009 Created Contests

The First Part of the Contest : Find 10 bad things that Zadd did for 1 white star . An extra white star is received if a participant finds 5 more bad things that the junior golemancer made . This picture is a great inaccuracy , since Zadd directed his attention to moglins much more recently , and surely not into his childhood , but the purpose of the image was just to offer another chance of getting white stars
Part One of the Second Part if the Contest : Complete this Crossword for another white star . It's pretty easy if you play the Chapter 4 of Frostval , you must just be clever and pay attention to it
Part Two of the Second part of the Contest : Complete another crossword for an extra white star . Again , it isn't too hard if you have played Chapter 4
The Third Part of the Contest : Find 5 magical silk hats for a white star and 8 elemental button noses for another white star . It is surely many times more easier than the First Part of the Contest , which even I had hard time to solve , even if I a was creator of it (I just forgot what I also counted as bad things) .
The First Part of the Fifth Part of the Contest : Solve the Moglin Puzzle and find the names of the moglins . It isn't too hard , as many clues are given in the Second Part of the contest , plus the colored squares that represent the same letter . Still , it may surely be the hardest part of the contest . A white star is received upon the completion of the puzzle .

Well , I tried to make my first unofficial contest , entitled the "Story of Zadd" , in which you had to : Create a Story for Zadd the Golemancer and make drawings with him , and even cookies so that you can get white balls , and with 10 of them to win the game , but it was declined .

2010 Created Contests

I tried to remake and rename the "Story of Zadd" , the purpose being not to make a story , but to play minigames with Zadd , like crosswords or find bad things Zadd did . For every minigame a participant does , he will get a "White Star" , and with 10 white stars that participant wins the game . I renamed the contest "The Golemancer Games" or the "Game of Zadd" . There isn't much of a prize , excepting for the title of "Golem Knight" and my eternal gratefulness . The contest isn't still in project state , and I made enough games so that the 10 white stars can be achieved . Well , no one won the contest , as it was closed before anyone even entering the Games , and all my ideas for future Golemancer Games were ruined . Too bad they didn't had too much success . So , now I can invent other projects that the forumites may like .

2009 Participated Contests

See Unofficial Contests

2010 Participated Contests

See Unofficial Contests

Wikia Progress

This is my entire progress into the wikipedia wikias . The reason of this section is to help me monitorize my contributions . I also awarded myself with ranks and titles , to show my contribution quality . I see there is much to do in those wikias . I call everyone to help Wikipedia . Help me to write at those wikias ! Edit Count : here

SPECIAL WIKIA - Eragon the Hero Wikia = a wikia created only for entertainment purposes about a non-existing TV-Series .


Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Wikipedist {I entered the Central Wikia} , Encyclopedist {I made at least 1000 edits across all wikias} , Lexiconist {I made at least 2000 edits across all wikias}

Artix Entertainment Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Artixonist {I joined the Artix Entertainment Wikia}

AdventureQuest Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Posistion - Adventurer {I entered the AdventureQuest wikia} , Fighter {I made 200 edits to the AdventureQuest wikia} , Knight {I made 400 edits edits to the AdventureQuest wikia} , Guardian {I made 600 edits to the AdventureQuest wikia} , X-Guardian {I made 800 edits to the AdventureQuest wikia} , High Guardian {I made 1200 edits to the AdventureQuest wikia}

Dragonfable Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Hero {I entered the DragonFable wikia} , Warrior {I made 200 edits to the DragonFable wikia} , Paladin {I made 400 edits to the DragonFable wikia}

MechQuest Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Mech Pilot {I joined the MechQuest wikia}

AQWorlds Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Traveler {I entered the AQWorlds wikia}

WarpForce Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Warpforce Crew Member {I entered the Warpforce wikia} , Private {I made 200 edits to the Warpforce wikia}

EpicDuel Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Mercenary {I joined the EpicDuel wikia}

Ebilgames Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Ebilgamer {I entered the Ebilgames wikia}

Battleon Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Battleonian {I joined the Battleon wikia}

Blizzard Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Blizzard {I entered the Blizzard wikia}

Starcraft Wikia

Username - andra2404 (My Profile)

Position - Terran {I entered the Starcraft wikia} , Marine {I made 100 edits at the Starcraft wikia} , Firebat {I made 200 edits at the Starcraft wikia} , Medic {I made 400 edits at the Starcraft wikia}

Warcraft Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Warrior of Azeroth {I entered the Warcraft wikia}

Chowder Wikia

Usename - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Apprentice {I entered the Chowder wikia}

DC Comics Wikia

Batman Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Batboy {I joined the Batman wikia}

EA Games Wikia

The Sims Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Sim {I joined The Sims wikia}

Command & Conquer

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Tiberian {I entered the Command & Conquer wikia}

Eragon Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Alagaesian {I entered the Eragon wikia}

Hanna-Barbera Wikia

Tom & Jerry Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Cheese {I entered the Tom & Jerry wikia}

Scooby Doo Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Sleuth-Hound {I entered the Scooby Doo wikia}

Harry Potter Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Muggle {I entered the Harry Potter wikia}

Iron Lore Entertainment Wikia

Titan Quest Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Greek {I entered the Titan Quest wikia}

James Cameron's Avatar Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Pandorian {I entered the Avatar wikia}

Lord of the Rings Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Ringbearer {I entered the Lord of the Rings wikia} , Hobbit {I made 300 edits at the Lord of the Rings wikia} , Barman of Bree {I made 600 edits at the Lord of the Rings wikia}

LOST Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Survivor of Planecrash 815 {I entered the LOST wikia}

Microsoft Games Wikia

Age of Empires Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Settler {I joined the Age of Empires wikia} , Explorer {I made 200 edits to the Age of Empires wikia} , Naturalist {I made 400 edits to the Age of Empires wikia}

Narnia Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Narnian {I joined the Narnia wikia}

Paranormal Wikia

Medium Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Psychic {I joined the Medium wikia}

Pirates of Caribbean Wikia

Username - andra {My Profile}

Position - Sailor {I entered the Pirates of Caribbean wikia}

Popcap Wikia

Bookworm Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Bookworm {I created the Bookworm wikia} , Bookburner {I got involved in the Bookworm wikia}

Necromancy Wikia

The Necronomicon

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Undead {I joined the Necromancy wikia}

Magic Match Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Merlyn {I created the Magic Match wikia}

Monster Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Monster {I entered the Monster wikia}

Sandlot Wikia

Westward Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Pioneer {I joined the Westward wikia} , Gunslinger {I made 200 edits to the Westward wikia} , Bounty Hunter {I made 400 edits to the Westward wikia} , Deputy {I made 600 edits to the Westward wikia} , Sheriff {I made 800 edits to the Westward wikia}

Sega Wikia

Total War Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Total Warrior {I entered the Total War wikia}

Sherlock Holmes Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Footprint Searcher {I joined the Sherlock Holmes Wikia}

Sid Meier Wikia

Civilization Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Civilian {I joined the Civilization wikia} , Caveman {I made 200 edits at the Civilization wikia}

Civilization IV Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Civilization Leader {I entered the Civilization IV wikia}

Sierra Entertainment Wikia

Caesar Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Romulus {I created the Caesar Wikia} , Roman {I got involved in the Caesar Wikia}

Star Wars Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Star Warrior {I entered the Star Wars wikia}

Terminator Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Terminator {I entered the Terminator wikia}

The Last Airbender Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Bender {I entered the Avatar : The Last Airbender wikia}

Travian Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Travianist {I entered the Travian wikia} , Legionnaire {I made 100 edits at the Travian wikia}

Ubisoft Wikia

Heroes of Might and Magic Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Magician of Might and Magic {I entered the Might and Magic wikia}

Hype : The Time Quest Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Hype {I created Hype : The Time Quest wikia} , Page {I got involved in Hype : The Time Quest wikia} , Squire {I made 300 edits to the Hype wikia} , Brigand {I made 600 edits to the Hype wikia} , Knight {I made 900 edits to the Hype wikia}

Prince of Persia Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Persian {I joined the Prince of Persia wikia}

Rayman Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Rayboy {I joined the Rayman wikia}

Xiaolin Showdown Wikia

Username - andra2404 {My Profile}

Position - Xiaolin Monk {I entered Xiaolin Showdown wikia}