






Iyad has Diabetes and he URGENTLY needs medicine. He can’t buy food for his family nor Ruba’s family either. Food and medicine prices are skyrocketing in Gaza and with how slow this campaign is going it is not able to provide for 15 people.

Iyad needs his medicine for his blood pressure. It impacts his mobility meaning it impacts his ability to fucking escape bombs. You know how dangerous it is for Gazans to be stuck in one place.

He also has several young children who are 5, 7, 10, 13, and 14 years old. They have to go without food now.

They have no money. Please, even a dollar helps. Donate however much you can.

Vetted no. 90 and 173 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraisers Spreadsheet for more information see my tag #iyadsobhe

Tagging for reach:

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Please donate.

$6,048 / $7,000

Only 3 donations has been made in the past 6 hours! ! !

I am sure many of you will understand how it is like living with a chronic illness. How many doctor appointments you have to go to, the amount of meds you have to take, the lifestyle changes you have to make, but this not the case for Iyad. He is in constant danger while he lives in a tent. He has no source of income! This fundraiser is all he has!

So kindly give what you can and share! ! !

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They NEED this campaign to keep it’s momentum so that they can afford food, medicine, and clothes for winter, especially the children. Don’t give up on them now.

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STILL $657 LEFT TO RAISE BY THE END OF TODAY !!! please keep sharing and donating !!


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I don’t care about found family narratives. I need these hoes isolated






1k+ notes over a day, only for the fundraiser to barely have moved at all in 12 hours.

I don’t know maybe you are tired of hearing about Siraj Abudayeh ( @siraj2024 ) but you have to remember that he is trying to survive through a genocide. I can guarantee you that he doesn’t like asking for help either, rather everyday he struggles to reach out to people. I mean it is kind of horrible to have gone through Zionist harassment and then finding out that people have stopped responding to you in every way. It kills something inside, especially so soon after finding out that the occupation forces have once again bombed your already destroyed house for no purpose at all, except to flex their power .

Right now Siraj’s family is struggling to make do. With the early set in of torrential rains, they don’t know what is going to happen. They don’t know if the 10 children of the family and the elderly parents will survive through this incoming winter! It is so horrible to have to beg for a chance to survive. So horrible to explain every detail of your life, your every action which in this case entails why he had to increase the end goal of the campaign. I don’t know why the donations have stopped but you do realize that he wouldn’t be bothering any of you if a settler colony was not bent on destroying Gaza to cement its existence right? He would have been in his home. His kids, his nephews and nieces would all be in the home he took a decade of pain to built. They wouldn’t be terrified of the harsh winter ahead and that house of theirs would have given shelter to generations!

Siraj is begging you to donate so that he may buy shaders to water proof his tent. If in the next week the rains start without mercy, then the family at least wouldn’t have to worry about leaks of icy water.

$80,121 / $82,000 CAD

1.8k to go. Please help Siraj reach the goal BY TOMORROW so that he may at least buy the shaders to waterproof the tent. Boost and Donate.

Vetting #219

I don’t know why for over 6 hours Siraj has got no donations!!He is so close to 82k ; only $713 CAD ( $526 USD) left to go and yet he has not been able to cover it!!!

Idk maybe it is that you need proof to donate to get him the rest of the way. So here you go; Siraj immediately needs to buy these shaders/tarps to fix upon the tent so that he can waterproof it before rains start


Siraj is not just telling you a story- this is his reality and he actually went to the shop to bring back proof of that, because he thinks that no one is believing him…Idk I feel so sick every time he requests me to not misunderstand him, and think of him as lesser for having to repeatedly reach out. This man is going through a genocide and everyday he has to swear on his innocence. Please do not give into apathy. Please donate whatever you can..

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$81,307 CAD / $82,000

Extremely disheartening to see that siraj only recieved 4 donations in the past 12 hours and nothing in the past 4. He is only $693 CAD ($509 USD) from 82k, we can do this by today if we try. Im begging you please dont abandon siraj, he has 5 families to support right now

My request to you please dont ignore and if u can please dont queue for later, the need is very urgent rn. Pls rb this when u see it, situation is dire.

Tagging for reach.

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‎‏I am mohammed ayyad of Gazans, living in very difficult conditions because of the war that the Gaza Strip is under. Since the outbreak of the war on the seventh of October we have been evacuating .

‎‏Then the journey of suffering and separation began,because my children were separated and evacuated from our home without covering or clothes., From here they became infected with diseases, and what increased our fatigue was the constant upbringing due to the different areas in which we were displaced, as we were displaced 9 times, and this was very expensive, the last of which was the 9th of this August from Hamad Town. In addition to that, we have lived in the summer season in a tent that did not exceed three meters, closed with nylon, so it is like an agricultural greenhouse atmosphere. It is very hot. All in all, we live difficult days that no human beings can afford

We have no work because of the war, and we do not have any kind of money and this is accompanied by a crazy and horrible rise in prices.

Although water is not suitable for drinking, this is the cause of many diseases

The last suffering is that we are out of Hamad without taking our purposes or our tents and now we are searching the earth in the roads and our children and our elderly parents are suffering..So we use direct donation including what they can or share links fully so people can know our tragedy and pain. Remember a small contribution can make a difference in the lives of many children who are dealing with their health condition all. Leave their details and make them happy with your generous contribution.



This campaign is vetted by bilal-salah0.

Currently €2,414 raised of €35,000 goal!
