Don Coscarelli on

The Beast with Five Fingers

Released 1946
Distributor Warner Bros.

Robert Florey directed and Curt Siodmak wrote it, but Luis Bunuel’s fingerprints (heh, heh) are allegedly all over the concept for this earliest and best of the crawling hand movies. Dreamlike and intensely creepy, with a thundering Steiner score and Peter Lorre at his pop-eyed best in a role intended for Paul Henried. In any case, a crawling hand turns up in Bunuel’s later The Exterminating Angel.

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About Don Coscarelli

At ten years of age Don Coscarelli actually bribed his teenage babysitter to let him stay up late and watch Invaders from Mars on TV. He’s never been the same. Coscarelli is responsible for writing and directing several cult hits including the Phantasm series, The Beastmaster and Bubba Ho-tep and John Dies at the End.

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