


Aroace| He/They
There is no childhood in Gaza 💔

At this time, children are usually on summer vacation, playing in the streets and going to the beach to swim. But this does not happen in Gaza. The occupation kills children in cold blood in front of their families because they demand their right to play like other children in the world. What injustice? You are my last hope. Our children want to go to school and live in peace and security

How can you help our children? This is done by donating, publishing the campaign, sharing it with friends, and reblogging. Thanks for helping us

Daily update(40)

The anticipated fear of an unknown fate

Within less than a month, the occupation reduced the so-called humanitarian zone to a narrow strip extending from the shore of the Khan Yunis Sea all the way to the west and center of Deir al-Balah. This area contains more than a million and a half Palestinians in an area not exceeding 24 square kilometers.

The enemy is in front of us and the sea is behind us. You live under the burden of crime, here are human monsters killing innocents, here is great injustice, here is tyranny, what is happening here is beyond description and imagination.

Before reducing the space

The image is after reducing the space

In the midst of this, we need daily expenses such as eating, drinking, treatment, and clothing, and we cannot provide all of that due to the high prices.

We are moving towards the next goal of 55 thousand by next Monday, which will help cover daily expenses that will strengthen my family’s steadfastness in their land that the occupation is trying to occupy.

Your support will prevent the Israeli army from occupying our land.


Paypal users who cannot donate can contact @malcriada and donate to him and he will donate directly here.

Campaign documentation number 219 by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi .

Support, participate strongly



@mohiy-gaza 's campaign is half way to reaching it's goal. Thanks to everyone's support, his family is one step closer to evacuation. It is important to keep the momentum going so that Mohiy can raise the remaining amount as swiftly as possible. There is no safe place left for them. Evacuation is vital for the safety and health of his family, especially his mother who faces deteriorating health the longer she is denied access to the treatment and medication she needs to help with her chronic illness.


Hello my friends, thank you so much for your generous donations, kindness and support for me and my family But we are still halfway there Our situation and fate in Gaza is still unknown, yet we still yearn for a good future for us. If this is possible and if it does not burden you, you can share your donations through my donation link GFM 🫂❤️🙏💙


$17,331/$31,000 at the time of writing.

Beautiful supporter 😊 Please help spread awareness and call for justice so we can achieve freedom. If you could reblog my post here I would appreciate it 🙏🏻♥♥ Thank you,


i want to bring everyone's attention to a campaign i happened to find while searching through the vetted gaza evacuation fundraiser sheet made by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi, specifically, #250 - "support my uncle's family to survive the war"

while legitimate, even though it was created in march it has received very little attention - at this time of writing, it only has 1.7% out of a goal of €97k

i really hope to bring some attention to this family who needs a lot of money - hasan's uncle amjad was even injured recently in early july, and i really hope this can help to bring some attention to their campaign

you can find amjad's twitter account here, if you have a twitter platform as well

let's match?

€1,665 / €97,000 goal



If you don't know by now, Siraj Abudayeh is a writer and journalist from Gaza. He is currently fundraising to survive through the genocide. He has a dream of rebuilding his home - this is his resistance against the settler state because he refuses to let the colonizers take over the city, the home, he so loves. Siraj and his family need to live through this difficult time. Everyday is a struggle where his family has to put in herculean efforts to acquire even the basic items of life. No one, who is from outside of Gaza can know how truly hellish these ten months have been. To provide you with just a glimpse of this hell, Siraj has asked me to share this message with you:

"Everyday, my children have to stand in a line to get 10 loaves of bread. You also have young girls, pregnant women, and the elderly. . . They all wait to purchase for their families, but the bakery is a wrestling ring! We quarrel with each other, scream until our throat hurts, and faint from the blazing heat! And the queue does not move while all of this is happening. . . Not even a prayer will save you from this misery!
For 3 straight hours, Muhammad, Siraj’s son, stood, counting on his fingers how many people will it be until it is his turn to receive the bread and return to his family. His turn has finally arrived.
Suddenly, an ear piercing sound slices through the the air!! It is heavier than an exploding F-16 missile: Children fled in fear, the bakery was hastily closed and Muhammad returned with a heavy burden of an empty stomach."

As of writing this $46,268 out $50,000 CAD have been raised. We have $3,732 left to go!

Please don't let it stagnate! As it has been mentioned before, Siraj is supporting more people than ever. He cannot afford the fundraiser to slow down. Every second counts! So please donate and share! Every bit counts!

Tagging for reach:


@timetravellingkitty You have summarized part of my suffering in your post, thank you for your sympathy and concern.

I ask friends and supporters to make donations to reach the goal by next Thursday.


Please help me leave an abusive boyfriend!

Hey, I disappeared for a while because I was dealing with my home situation. Things got much worse and I'm genuinely scared shitless for myself right now. I still can't afford to move out of here and I desperately need to. I can't emphasize how afraid and in need of escaping I am right now, I genuinely can't. I am certain that he is capable of physical violence and I feel like he will start straight up beating me soon, and I can't stay for that. Please, if you can help me consider donating or reblogging this 🙏🏻


Gazans to support: a short list as of 12th of August 2024

these are folks who have reached out in asks and whose campaigns have been verified by other users

In its historic ruling, the ICJ found that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza is entirely unlawful, that Israel practices apartheid and racial segregation, and that all states are under a duty to help bring this to an end, including by cutting off all economic, trade and investment relations with Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In other words, as a matter of international law, all countries are obliged to participate in an economic boycott of Israel’s activities in the occupied Palestinian territory and to divest from any existing economic relations there.

13 August 2024


Hello, I am Hani Al-Hajjar. I am 23 years old and I am trying to evacuate my family from Gaza to Egypt after losing my father, my home, and my family consisting of 10 people, including children, by creating a donation campaign. If you would like to help, donate through the link or share my campaign so that it reaches a large number of people.LINK.GOFUNDME🫂



My name is Khalil Abubaker, and I am reaching out to you from Gaza, a place that has been deeply affected by the ongoing war. The past eight months have been incredibly challenging for my family and me. My father, who has always been our main supporter, has been unable to work due to the conflict. Like many others, he lost his job and exhausted all his savings trying to keep us afloat.

Our family consists of my mother, my father, my four sisters, my brother, and myself. Despite the dire circumstances, we have always stayed strong and supported one another. We were also running a small side business—a rabbit farm—that helped us make ends meet. Tragically, our farm was totally destroyed by an air strike, wiping out our additional source of income.

Personal Contribution and Current Struggle:

I was working remotely with a company outside of Gaza, contributing significantly to our family's needs. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, I lost my employment and spent all my savings trying to help us survive. Now, after eight long and difficult months, we find ourselves at a breaking point. We have exhausted all our resources, and the situation here in Gaza continues to deteriorate. The hope we once clung to is slipping away, and we desperately need your help to survive and evacuate to a safer place.

Our campaign goal is to raise €30,000. Initially, we will use €20,000 to cross the border into Egypt for myself, my father, my mother, and my youngest unmarried sister—half of our family members. The remaining €10,000 will be used to settle in Egypt and cover the costs of necessary items, rent, transportation, and other expenses as we start a new life.

I've never spoken up like this before; in fact, I feel shy even asking my close friends outside the country to help because I know it's beyond their ability. I truly believe in the kindness of strangers and in the power of the global community to help us get out of this dire situation. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to securing a future away from the devastation. We understand that not everyone may be able to contribute financially, but sharing our story with your network can also make a significant difference.

The Heartbreak:

Leaving Gaza means leaving behind the home my father spent his entire life building, and the memories we cherish so deeply. It means separating our family in the hope that we will one day reunite. The decision to leave is incredibly difficult, but our safety and survival are paramount.


From the depths of our hearts, we thank you for your kindness, support, and prayers. Together, we can give my family the hope and strength to overcome this harrowing time and start anew.

With gratitude and hope,

Khalil Abubaker


I've had a chat with Khalil and this is a legitimate fundraiser. Please don't hesitate to donate and share!


My name is Khalil Abubaker, and I am reaching out to you from Gaza, a place that has been deeply affected by the ongoing war. The past eight months have been incredibly challenging for my family and me. My father, who has always been our main supporter, has been unable to work due to the conflict. Like many others, he lost his job and exhausted all his savings trying to keep us afloat.

Our family consists of my mother, my father, my four sisters, my brother, and myself. Despite the dire circumstances, we have always stayed strong and supported one another. We were also running a small side business—a rabbit farm—that helped us make ends meet. Tragically, our farm was totally destroyed by an air strike, wiping out our additional source of income.

Personal Contribution and Current Struggle:

I was working remotely with a company outside of Gaza, contributing significantly to our family's needs. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, I lost my employment and spent all my savings trying to help us survive. Now, after eight long and difficult months, we find ourselves at a breaking point. We have exhausted all our resources, and the situation here in Gaza continues to deteriorate. The hope we once clung to is slipping away, and we desperately need your help to survive and evacuate to a safer place.

Our campaign goal is to raise €30,000. Initially, we will use €20,000 to cross the border into Egypt for myself, my father, my mother, and my youngest unmarried sister—half of our family members. The remaining €10,000 will be used to settle in Egypt and cover the costs of necessary items, rent, transportation, and other expenses as we start a new life.

I've never spoken up like this before; in fact, I feel shy even asking my close friends outside the country to help because I know it's beyond their ability. I truly believe in the kindness of strangers and in the power of the global community to help us get out of this dire situation. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to securing a future away from the devastation. We understand that not everyone may be able to contribute financially, but sharing our story with your network can also make a significant difference.

The Heartbreak:

Leaving Gaza means leaving behind the home my father spent his entire life building, and the memories we cherish so deeply. It means separating our family in the hope that we will one day reunite. The decision to leave is incredibly difficult, but our safety and survival are paramount.


From the depths of our hearts, we thank you for your kindness, support, and prayers. Together, we can give my family the hope and strength to overcome this harrowing time and start anew.

With gratitude and hope,

Khalil Abubaker


I've had a chat with Khalil and this is a legitimate fundraiser. Please don't hesitate to donate and share!


another campaign i want to highlight: Khalil Abubaker Khalil lost his employment, as did his father, leaving them all with no chances to support themselves during this war. they have exhausted all of their savings and no longer have hope that the situation in Gaza is going to get better.

that's why this family needs our support. Khalil made a campaign at the beginning of the month for him and his family so they have a chance to evacuate and start a new life in Egypt. time is of the essence. with every passing day, the situation in Gaza becomes more dire, dangerous and unliveable.

tragically, this gfm is only for half of his family: his parents, his youngest sister and himself. many Palestinian families are being forced to decide who gets to evacuate and who stays behind in Gaza, facing an unknown fate. i urge you to read through their story in their own words in the link of the gfm. as of today (06/20/24) they have reached €712 / €30,000, still very far away from their goal. let's help him and his family not only get enough funds but also give them back their hope for a better future.


Euros 1

Vetted Palestinian Campaigns

Aug 17-24

All of these campaigns use € and can be paid with PayPal, Google Pay, and credit/debit. For campaigns in other currencies, check out my promotion masterlist.

Far from goal: Khalil Abubaker. @zzgazazz (vet)

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 2,245 / 30,000

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 34,853 / 50,000

Far from goal: Abdel Muti Al-Habil. @abdelmutei (vet)

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 9,604 / 50,000

Close to goal: Amal Ashour @amalashuor (spreadsheet #175)

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 27,097 / 30,000

Malak Dader. @malakabed (vet)

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 5,782 / 25,000

PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 13,824 / 23,000

Pinned campaigns

Google Pay, credit/debit: SEK 82,638 / 100,000
(Short term goal, $10 USD = 105SEK)

Please share and donate if possible!

Check out my promotion masterlist and current promotion for urgent evacuation campaigns.

Tagging random ppl. Share and donate if possible. Want off the 'mailing list'? Please message me!

Daily update(2)

Gaza war

The last farewell 😭

A continuous wave of massacres against children and innocent people, as if the war began today.

In this video there is a great deal of oppression and pain, as Palestinian mothers bid farewell to their children who were in their arms yesterday and today in the grave.

Among the martyrs was my uncle’s 13-year-old daughter.

I, my family, and my children are still in danger, and we still live a difficult life in tents. We ask you to support our story and stand by us, as you are our great hope.🥺

20$ You can change and mitigate

Donate or share🇵🇸

Documentation of the campaign by Nabulsi✅

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