
Bilal Salah🍉


Palästina - Gaza
My Instagram account

It has been 11 months of genocide. 334 days of airstrikes and ground invasions. 481,801 minutes of innocent lives martyred one after another.

I don’t know how the world can still keep spinning as this happens right in front of our faces, or why we are letting this go on for so long, but with every passing day, it seems people become used to it, even when the victims come to us themselves asking for help.

Many of us don’t know how to handle such a huge responsibility. We may feel we are not equipped to do so. That is why you get overwhelmed when you are confronted with the victims and our complicity in it and make a decision to ignore. You become defeatist.

But you can’t do that. You have to resist because this is exactly what the settler colony wants you to feel. They do want to look away. They want you to carry on with your life (your normal) while they commit the most atrocities on the most vulnerable.

Deutschland (Germany) is a country that shows no shame in their support of the settler colony. It is up to the point where they would discriminate against the Palestinians. Even to those who stand up for them. Ava Moayeri, a German-Iranian activist, has been sent to court for chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” last month!

If she goes through this, imagine the Palestinians who want nothing more but to build a better future for themselves. My friend, Bilal Salah (@bilal-salah0), is no exception. He is 22 years old and lives in Deutschland for work, but he has faced so many difficulties. He has been on the verge of deportation, making him lose access to his job and housing. His former employer has extorted €4,800 and he is still unemployed, so he can not financially support his family back in Ghazzah. This fundraiser is all he has.

So please help him achieve €110,000 by September 20th! We are supposed to raise it today (Sept 15th), but we have failed to do so. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again! We can't let him down!

As of writing this, €105,980 has been raised! There is only €4,020 left to go! If we do the math, we need at least 804 people to contribute a minimum of €5 to succeed!

Please donate and share. Bilal’s family has narrowly survived the airstrike at the al-Masawi Camp. This fundraiser will help them purchase basic necessities until Rafah Crossing reopens and they can evacuate!

€106,872 / €110,000

Guys, let me remind you that Bilal is living in Germany ALL BY HIMSELF. He does not have a job to support his family back in Ghazzah. This fundraiser is all he has! So please continue to donate and share! We only have 4 more days to achieve the goal!


€106,950 raised of €110,000 goal

Thank you 🙏❤️

only 50 € left to reach 107,000


Urgent . Update !!!!

Thank you all for your great generosity and donation .

After my family asked me to create a campaign for them so they could survive the war I asked some friends whether it would be better to create a campaign for them or add them to my campaign The majority answered in the same campaign it’s better I want to make it clear to you that now the goal will be changed My target now $3000 USD its $5000 AUD .

We are a family of 6 people. Me and my dad in Egypt, the rest are in the north We want 20,000 US dollars for them And $5,000 for their livelihood unless they start a business That is, 25,000 US dollars plus 3000 lei, which equals 28,000 US dollars. This equates to 45,000 Australian dollars.

We are now 1543 Aud from 45000 Aud
Its about 1000 from 28000 usd .


‼️ Hardship and Unbreakable Hope ‼️

I used to live with my family in our small house. It wasn't fancy, but it was filled with love and warmth. We lived a simple life, but our happiness was more than enough. I loved waking up to the sounds of nature and knowing that water was always close by. Everything felt perfect… until the war came.

In an instant, my world shattered. I heard explosions that shook the ground beneath me. I looked around, and within seconds, our home was reduced to rubble. I couldn't even process what had happened. All my memories, all the moments we shared, scattered among the wreckage. We were left homeless, with nothing to return to. The only things we could carry with us were the memories we held in our hearts.

We fled to the nearest refugee camp. There was no other choice. The plastic tents we found shelter in couldn’t protect us from the scorching summer heat or the freezing cold of winter, but they became our new home. We used to live near water, where it was always easy to access, but now water has become a distant dream. I stand in long lines under the burning sun just to get a few liters. Sometimes, I walk kilometers through roads filled with debris, just to collect enough water for a few days.

With every step I take, I feel the weight of the suffering. But despite all of this, I refuse to give up. My name is Huda, and war will not break me. My home may have been destroyed, but my heart still beats with hope. I will keep going, and I will hold on to the belief that tomorrow might bring a new beginning for me and my family.

Thank you for reading the post. If you can help me spread the word or offer support, I would be very grateful.


Urgent Appeal to Support My Family in Gaza: Critical Need as Winter Approaches

I invite you to join this humanitarian campaign to support my family in Gaza, who are facing extremely harsh conditions following the recent war. The situation has worsened with the arrival of winter. It is a dire time, and families like mine in Gaza cannot survive without your support.

Our Story: From Stability to Tragedy

My family of ten lived a simple, stable life before the war took everything from us. After the bombing, our home was completely destroyed, and we were forced to live in a tent in Deir al-Balah, facing unbearable conditions.

- **My father** suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, struggling to receive regular treatment.

- **My mother** also suffers from hypertension, enduring pain in these harsh conditions.

In addition to our material losses, five members of my family were seriously injured, and we lost our sole source of income after the destruction of the stores that sustained us.

My Brother Ahmed and His Children: A Growing Struggle

My brother Ahmed lives in northern Gaza, where he is facing extreme difficulties in providing food and medical care for his three children:

- **Amir** suffers from a skin condition caused by the severe living conditions in the tent and the extreme heat. He needs specialized medical care.

- **Muhammad**, who has polio, is seeing his condition worsen due to the lack of proper medical treatment.

Winter Makes Things Worse

With winter setting in, the hardships have only intensified. The tent we live in does not provide enough protection from the freezing cold and rain, and we lack the essential winter clothing. We urgently need:

- **Winter clothes** for all family members to keep warm.

- **A new, sturdier tent** to protect us from the cold and harsh weather.

- Along with **medicines, food, and medical care**, which remain crucial for survival.

How You Can Make a Difference

Families like mine in Gaza depend on your generosity and support. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in providing:

- Warm winter clothes and blankets to keep us warm.

- A new tent to shelter us from the cold and rain.

- Urgently needed medicines and medical care.

- Food and safe shelter.

- Hope for relocation to a safer place where we can receive proper medical care when the border opens.

Our Story in Pictures: From Life to Destruction

The attached photos tell the story of my family before and after the war. The first photo shows our peaceful life at home before the bombing. The second photo reveals the destruction that left us homeless and struggling to survive. With winter here, life has become even more challenging.

Your Support Can Make a Real Difference

In this critical time, we need your help. Your support can change our lives and help us endure. Your donations won’t only provide basic needs for my family, but they will also help other families in Gaza facing the same suffering. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.


Please help Momin reach his goal and share his post. Sorry for bothering you in the mention.


‼️ Unforgettable minutes from memory 🍉

"This is the story of the forced displacement of my family"

Minutes was the story of our displacement, we fled from one danger to another, the children screaming, the adults in pain, we left without carrying any of our belongings with us, we left only with our souls that were tired of this crime.

🍴🥛 The suffering a child experiences with food and water.

⛺️Suffering due to the heat inside the tent

Dear Palestine supporter... I have seen your great interest in the Palestinian campaigns, and this is a great honor for us. I am happy to get to know you and talk to you.


Vetted by :

@gazavetters Our team at #GazaVetters has rigorously vetted and approved this campaign, earning it a spot on our official list at #46 . here


Save What’s Left of My Family in Gaza

In the heart of Gaza, where daily life has become a constant challenge amidst the siege and continuous bombing, we experienced unforgettable moments, filled with love and hope despite the pain. This is my story, and the story of my family, which may not differ from hundreds of other families in Gaza, but it holds special memories that will forever be etched in our minds.

Yazan, my dear nephew, was always a symbol of courage and joy in our family. Since childhood, he loved to wear his elegant blue suit, always made sure his hair was neatly styled, and smiled at the world as if to tell us that tomorrow would be better. On the day of a family member’s wedding, Yazan stood proudly beside us, radiating happiness, sharing his smiles with everyone, as if he knew that these moments would be among the last memories we would have of him. Just a few days later, in a merciless airstrike, we lost Yazan. He left us while dreaming of a tomorrow filled with peace and joy, leaving behind a void and indescribable pain.

As for Suheir, my beloved niece, she is the sun that rises in our lives every day. Suheir is still with us, full of life and hope, dreaming of wearing her white dress on her special day and living a life filled with joy and success. Despite the harsh circumstances, Suheir carries the spirit of childhood and is the source of hope that we cling to amidst all this pain. Every time I see her, I feel that life still offers us a chance to witness its beauty and happiness.

We lost Yazan, but we thank God that Suheir is still with us. She is a symbol of hope and resilience. Although life has become more difficult and harsh, I believe there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We have endured these bitter experiences together as a family, but we still carry in our hearts a passion for life, seeking safety and the opportunities that can grant us a new beginning.

For this reason, I have launched a fundraising campaign to help my family escape this harsh reality. My goal is to secure a better future for those of us who remain, especially the children who deserve to live their lives without fear of bombings and airstrikes. All I ask for is a chance to give them a future filled with peace and opportunities, far from wars and destruction.

With hope and faith, I ask everyone who reads these words to contribute to our cause. Together, we can build a better future for our children, keep Yazan’s memory alive as a symbol of courage and hope, and continue to support Suheir so that she can live the life she dreams of, filled with safety and happiness.

Sorry for mention you


Help Hoda reach her goal. Last donation was 1 day ago. She walks very slowly. Thank you all my friends


Urgent Appeal to Support My Family in Gaza: Critical Need as Winter Approaches

I invite you to join this humanitarian campaign to support my family in Gaza, who are facing extremely harsh conditions following the recent war. The situation has worsened with the arrival of winter. It is a dire time, and families like mine in Gaza cannot survive without your support.

Our Story: From Stability to Tragedy

My family of ten lived a simple, stable life before the war took everything from us. After the bombing, our home was completely destroyed, and we were forced to live in a tent in Deir al-Balah, facing unbearable conditions.

- **My father** suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, struggling to receive regular treatment.

- **My mother** also suffers from hypertension, enduring pain in these harsh conditions.

In addition to our material losses, five members of my family were seriously injured, and we lost our sole source of income after the destruction of the stores that sustained us.

My Brother Ahmed and His Children: A Growing Struggle

My brother Ahmed lives in northern Gaza, where he is facing extreme difficulties in providing food and medical care for his three children:

- **Amir** suffers from a skin condition caused by the severe living conditions in the tent and the extreme heat. He needs specialized medical care.

- **Muhammad**, who has polio, is seeing his condition worsen due to the lack of proper medical treatment.

Winter Makes Things Worse

With winter setting in, the hardships have only intensified. The tent we live in does not provide enough protection from the freezing cold and rain, and we lack the essential winter clothing. We urgently need:

- **Winter clothes** for all family members to keep warm.

- **A new, sturdier tent** to protect us from the cold and harsh weather.

- Along with **medicines, food, and medical care**, which remain crucial for survival.

How You Can Make a Difference

Families like mine in Gaza depend on your generosity and support. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in providing:

- Warm winter clothes and blankets to keep us warm.

- A new tent to shelter us from the cold and rain.

- Urgently needed medicines and medical care.

- Food and safe shelter.

- Hope for relocation to a safer place where we can receive proper medical care when the border opens.

Our Story in Pictures: From Life to Destruction

The attached photos tell the story of my family before and after the war. The first photo shows our peaceful life at home before the bombing. The second photo reveals the destruction that left us homeless and struggling to survive. With winter here, life has become even more challenging.

Your Support Can Make a Real Difference

In this critical time, we need your help. Your support can change our lives and help us endure. Your donations won’t only provide basic needs for my family, but they will also help other families in Gaza facing the same suffering. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.


To the kind-hearted and benevolent,

I write to you with a heavy heart, overwhelmed by grief, as the ravages of war and insecurity have struck us. I have lost the dearest people in my life; my beloved father, my pillar in this world. We also lost my brother's young daughter and my sister's young daughter under tragic circumstances. Additionally, our home has been completely destroyed, and I live in constant fear of losing the rest of my family.

Today, my family lives in a fabric tent, enduring unbearable living conditions, where we suffer from a lack of medicine and rising prices. Every day is a struggle for survival, and the only hope I hold in my heart is the kindness of generous souls like yours.

I am reaching out to you today, hoping that you can be a support for my family in this difficult time, and extend a helping hand to us. Please support us through this link. I have great hope that this appeal will resonate in your hearts.


Please, my friends, share this post.

🚨New suffering with Winter approaching..

As winter approaches it turns The weather in Gaza is harsh and windy,

leaving 1.9 million displaced people exposed to weather factors such as rain, wind, and very low temperatures.

Most of the displaced live in tents that are not waterproof, made of fabric that is damaged by the sun’s rays, which do not protect them from the heat of summer or the cold of winter, which It increases fears of drowning of displaced people and the spread of diseases.

There is a necessary need to provide waterproof tents... to alleviate our suffering... and this requires a high financial cost...

Save my family..

Save my children..

Please share 🙏 or donate 🙏

My campaign has been verified by @90-ghost

Butterfly 🦋 effect project line 944

What is Ghazal’s fault for not living
her childhood safely? How long will our children suffer???? ❤️‍🩹💔😭Ghazal was one year and four months old before the war, and now she is two years and three months old. Ghazal did not live through any stage of her childhood. She did not hear the bombing, the sounds of missiles, and saw the destruction and blood. How long, O world??? 💔❤️‍🩹💔 Ghazal now suffers from speech impairment because of the fear she experienced that affected her speech. She needs intensive treatment in order for her to speak.
Ghazal now lives in a torn tent, burning from extreme heat and cold at night, and I fear that winter will come upon us while we are in this torn tent. There is nothing. We have clothes for the winter because we left our house and did not take anything.
Everything in the house was destroyed.
I wish to return to Gaza to smell the dirt and dust of Gaza 😭😭🇵🇸 I do not know the meaning of sleep.
I am afraid that a snake or rodents will come upon them and they will get hurt.
I cry all night 😭💔 over what happened to us all. This torment, and no one moves or stays still.
Rather, the world is silent over all these massacres, destruction, and humiliation that we live through for food, water, shelter, and clean clothes. I hope every day that this dark nightmare to which we are exposed will end❤️‍🩹💔🇵🇸
. I hope and please 🙏🙏 to help me and my children to get out of this nightmare that has been going on for a long time and we are tormented and hurt by it. Share and donate, even if it is a little, to give us a glimmer of hope that we will emerge to safety. ❤🙏🙏


Humanity appeal 😞🍉

Winter used to be love and warmth between families but for my family it was a nightmare.💔 Please my family in Gaza (which includes my brothers with their families and my eldery parents) need your help urgently 😔😞this morning my family woke up on the rain, the tent and everything In it was soaking wet my parents are very ill due to the cold and rain. The kids clothes got wet and they don't have spare clothes to change in to . please help my family gain some donations to be able to buy clothes, food, medicine, rent a house or at least buy nailon roof which is become so expensive . thank you very much. ❤️ Please give my family the strength to rebuild their lives, small donation big effect ❤️

vetted by @moayesh, @bilal-salah0 and @gazavetters on the line (#39) here is the campaign link https://gofund.me/2cfb09fa


Hello, I hope you're doing well.

I'm Huda from Gaza, and I'm currently sharing my campaign here.

If you can support by sharing or donating, I would be truly grateful.

You can find my story on my profile, and here is the support link: GFM

Wishing you a beautiful day 🤍

Sorry for mention you


Hello, I hope you're doing well.

I'm Huda from Gaza, and I'm currently sharing my campaign here.

If you can support by sharing or donating, I would be truly grateful.

You can find my story on my profile, and here is the support link: GFM

Wishing you a beautiful day 🤍

Sorry for mention you


Thank you all

We are thrilled to announce that our GoFundMe campaign has reached €1020 out of our goal of €60,000, thanks to your incredible support.

Your donations have been more than just financial contributions—they have been a lifeline and a beacon of hope. Your generosity is directly helping us escape Gaza and seek a safer and more stable future away from the harsh conditions we face.

Every donation and share has made a significant impact, giving us a crucial boost towards achieving this humanitarian goal. But our journey is far from over, and every additional contribution will bring us closer to our target.

We encourage you to continue supporting us, whether by donating further or by sharing our campaign with your friends and family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you’ve done. You are the true heroes in our story.

Sorry for mention you .


Can you share this post 🙏Last donation was 11 hours ago and it was 10 € . Thank you.


How can a person who is accustomed to luxury live here? ⛺️

About the tent and the life we live. You burn and suffocate as you sit inside it. There is no air or any means of cooling. You coexist with all the insects of the earth.🐜

A tent means a lack of privacy, getting sick is a common thing, and also forgetting the meaning of cleanliness that you are accustomed to...😔

Hearing the sound of explosions around you and not being able to find a safe place to hide in the end is a thin piece of cloth that will not protect you from the simplest things.💔

The smell of smoke becomes your smell after every cooking attempt💨

To wear out your hands in order to get firewood for cooking😔

The traditional routine has become very complicated and difficult. Our simplest dreams are to take a rest and get moderate sleep "instead of sleeping on the ground and uneven ground."💔😔


Hello everyone,

I'm Ahmed, living far from my family who are going through the hardest time of their lives. They are displaced in tents that offer no protection from the cold or the summer heat. Even getting water is a struggle for them. On top of that, they face rockets and shells being fired at them while they are in their tents.

I can't describe the feeling I had when I woke up to the news that last night the occupation dropped tons of explosives on the displaced people's tents while they were asleep. They were buried under the sand by barrel bombs. The news says entire families have been wiped off the face of the earth. Then I pick up my phone to check on my family. I call my father, no signal. I call my mother, no signal. Do you know the panic and fear I live through every moment worrying about my family?

I can't do much from here, but you can be a helping hand. Your donation and sharing of this message might give them a chance to survive and possibly help them leave Gaza as soon as possible.

Every minute of your time and every share of this story could make a huge difference in my family's lives. Please help me do what we can to support my family and alleviate their suffering.

Ahmed's campaign has been promoted by Bilal-Salah0. Bilal's campaign is listed as #132 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also vetted by association. Ahmed is a friend of @/hazempalestine (#281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi.). See post here.

€3,094 raised of €55,000 target! Only 3 donations in more than 24 hours!!!

Ahmed is trying to evacuate his family of 12, including 6 adults and 6 children under 16 years old!!! That's 6 children facing bomb threats every day!! Please help him get them to safety!

To illustrate the severity of the bombing, Israel dropped 2000 pound bombs on tents housing displaced families. This not only killed at least 40 people while injuring another 60 more, but also left behind craters that are at least 9-meters deep at the site of impact. Israel designated Al-Mawasi as a 'safe zone' and yet still bombed the displaced families staying there! Where are people supposed to go? While Ahmed's family survived the bombing, they need all the support they can get !!

Currently €3,144 raised of €55,000 target!

Currently €3,236 raised of €55,000 target!

Last donation was 9 hours ago!


Please share ❤️

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