How To: 7 Slick Uses for Castor Oil

7 Slick Uses for Castor Oil

If your beloved fern houseplant is looking limp, make a tonic out of 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 tablespoon baby oil, and 4 cups lukewarm water. Feed your fern with 1 tablespoon of the tonic followed by a normal amount of plain water once a day for several days until your fern starts looking healthy again.

Other than boosting your fern's health, castor oil is also remarkably effective for repelling moles from your backyard, repelling moles from your face, lubricating your kitchen scissors, treating your damaged hair, and more.

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1 Comment

Ok , I got really excited to try to perk up my fern,, but when I actually went to do it I realized that the instructions call for baby oil and the poster calls for baby shampoi. Which one is it? Help

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