MANE Collaboration

The Matched Annotation from NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) is a collaboration that aims to converge on human gene annotation and to produce a genome wide transcript set that includes pairs of RefSeq (NM) and Ensembl/GENCODE (ENST) transcripts that are 100% identical.

Access MANE sequences

Download or view the MANE transcripts
(e.g. bulk download, REST API, browser etc.)

About the MANE Collaboration

MANE Projects and background


We welcome input and comments

MANE Collaboration outputs

MANE Select

  • One single transcript at each protein-coding locus across the genome that is representative of biology at that locus
  • Useful to provide a consistent default transcript per locus across resources

MANE Plus Clinical

  • Additional transcripts per locus necessary to support clinical variant reporting, e.g. which contain known pathogenic variants
What is unique about the MANE Collaboration?

Highest quality annotation

  • Created jointly by Ensembl/GENCODE at EMBL-EBI, and RefSeq at NCBI
  • Identified using independent computational methods complemented by manual review of key loci and discussion by expert curator scientists

Identical transcript sequences from 5' to 3'

  • For each representative transcript, the pair of sequences from RefSeq and Ensembl/GENCODE are identical (5’ UTR, coding region and 3’ UTR)
  • Transcript sequences retain their original identifiers / stable IDs e.g. NM_014491.4; ENST00000350908.9
  • All transcript sequences perfectly match the GRCh38 reference assembly

Connect the past, present and future of clinical variant reporting

  • Part of the effort to rationalise minor differences in RefSeq and Ensembl/GENCODE gene sets
  • Facilitates unambiguous data exchange between specific RefSeq and Ensembl/GENCODE transcripts and the GRCh38/hg38 reference genome assembly
  • Evolved to improve on previous consensus CDS (CCDS) project and LRG project (for legacy and community-requested stable sequences for reporting variants)
  • Ensures compatibility with genome reference assembly-based NGS variant reporting systems


  • Annotated in the Ensembl, NCBI and UCSC genome browsers to allow visualisation in genomic context, with all other existing annotations
  • Included in other resources e.g. ClinVar and gnomAD
  • Compatible with the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature and supported by nomenclature checker systems (e.g. Mutalyzer, VariantValidator)
  • Generated and maintained by the NCBI and EMBL-EBI



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