For Product Teams

Build data-driven products

Segment enables data-driven decision making and high performance teams.

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Collect data, the right way

Collect user events from any app with our simple analytics API.

Attribute feature experiments

Segment for Marketing Teams

Complete view of the customer

Unify your customer’s touch points across all platforms and channels.

Launch with the best stack

Segment for Product Teams

Launch with the right stack

Enable the best product analytics tools, A/B testing tools, and data warehousing tools with the flip of a switch.

Get the best tools

Integrate new tools in minutes, not weeks. No more setup headaches and no need to push code.

Power your tools with the same data

No more waiting for App Store approval! Turn on new tools instantly, even ones without their own mobile SDK.

Focus on product work, not integration coding

Segment makes trying new tools incredibly easy. No more costly integration processes that prevent you from using the best tools.

Build high-performance teams

By making analytics easy to access, you’ll enable your team to become truly data-driven.

Democratize data access

Democratize data access

Teams move faster when everyone has access to SQL. Enable data warehousing with the flip of a switch.

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.