CABIN The Cool Club...

I initially created this board out of respect for those celebrities that have "embraced the suck"... This is what I ironically call accepting with grace lol "we just aren't as young as we used to be"... The title was inspired by a recent Jim Carrey quote "we aren't the cool kids anymore" in reference to an incident by an actor who along with his wife will never be considered a part of The Cool Club in my opinion... When thinking about if this were an actual club, what would this club be like... I immediately thought of Classic Hollywood Glamor and a Sense of Retro Style... And given my passion for designing anything and everything... well... there you go... I must include I envisioned this as something similar to the private retreat so to speak seen in John Wick... A luxury retreat where the rules that can not be broken are the safety and security of complete confidentiality and privacy... A place where even their children would be welcomed without their parents fear of the invasive prying eyes of the paparazzi...
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a large black bed sitting in a bedroom next to a chandelier and two lamps
living room inspirations bedroom ideas living room ideas college apartment ideas living room ideas
a black and white photo of a smiling man
bill hader — eric morales
a man and woman posing for a photo with an engagement ring
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