Prophetic Art

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a man walking down a wooden path towards a castle with clouds and birds flying above
Amen and Amen 🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻
a man and woman wearing tiaras with the caption let jesus knew your mind so you never forget what you are
a painting of jesus hugging a woman in the ocean
4|26|24 7pm My safe place 🕊️
He is my Rock and my Fortress- my Strong tower in the midts of the storms of life. Sometimes He won’t take away the difficulties or cease the outward storm but He’ll hold me in the midst of the chaos and storms of life instead. which is just as good by and far. Though circumstances remain chaotic ,the moment He ceases the storms on the inside its as if the chaos never existed on the outside because His love is everything and enough to sweep me upward in the midst of any storm. He makes every experience sweet. So Sometimes He just wants to hold you in the chaos in order that you would know His tender love and how that His love is all you need…This is why it is so important to have an experiential knowledge of God and learn to love and be loved by Him. Intimacy with God is extremely vital.
a woman sitting on the floor next to a man
Jesús my savior
a painting of jesus and a woman walking on the beach