The Mountain Within Me

2024 • 89 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

After suffering a catastrophic and almost fatal spinal cord injury, professional rugby player Ed Jackson's world changed forever. The Mountain Within Me follows Ed's journey on his recovery as he achieves the mental and physical heights of Snowdonia, the Alps and Himalayas to the life-altering challenges closer to home.

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4 recenzie
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21. augusta 2024
Despite these overwhelming obstacles, Ed's spirit remains unbroken. Determined to reclaim his life, he sets his sights on ambitious goals. The book details his arduous training, the psychological battles he faces, and his triumphant achievements as he scales iconic mountains. Each ascent represents not just a physical challenge but a testament to his resilience and determination to overcome the limitations imposed by his injury.
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22. augusta 2024
The memoir begins with a vivid account of the life-altering injury that nearly ended Ed’s career and life. The initial chapters offer an unflinching look at the trauma and upheaval that followed, setting the stage for an incredible story of recovery and transformation. Ed’s candid reflections on his struggles and the impact of his injury provide a powerful and personal perspective on the challenges of facing a severe disability.
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20. augusta 2024
Nature really does heal the soul.
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