Mister Buddwing (1966)

2012 • 98 ደቂቃዎች
19 ግምገማዎች
በድር አሳሽ ውስጥ ወይም በሚደገፉ መሣሪያዎች ላይ ይመልከቱ የበለጠ ለመረዳት
ኦዲዮም ሆነ የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በቋንቋዎ አይገኙም። የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በእንግሊዝኛ ይገኛል።

ስለዚህ ፊልም

A man awakes on a Central Park bench, not knowing his name or how he got there. He sees a beer truck pass by. Then an airplane flies overhead. He chooses Buddwing as his name and continues his desperate sidewalk quest to discover his true identity.

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

19 ግምገማዎች
29 ኦገስት 2024
A man wakes up on a bench in Central Park with no memory of his name or how he ended up there. As a beer truck passes and an airplane flies overhead, he adopts the name Buddwing and embarks on a frantic quest through the city streets. Driven by the need to uncover his true identity, he navigates a series of encounters and challenges, unraveling the mystery of his past in a compelling journey of self-discovery.
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
Alex Arthurs
16 ሴፕቴምበር 2024
Mister Buddwing was an interesting watch, but I found the pacing a bit slow at times. The film's exploration of identity and memory was intriguing, but the overall tone felt a bit too somber for my taste. Garner's performance was solid, but I felt that the ending could have been more satisfying
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
21 ኦገስት 2024
In this intriguing and mysterious tale, a man wakes up on a Central Park bench with no recollection of his past, his name, or how he ended up there. With nothing more than a fleeting glimpse of a passing beer truck and a plane soaring overhead, he decides to adopt the name "Buddwing" and embarks on a desperate quest to piece together his identity.
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?

ለዚህ ፊልም ደረጃ ይስጡ

ምን እንደሚያስቡ ይንገሩን።