Assassination Games

2011 • 99 minút
54 recenzií
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Tento film

Brazil (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a contract killer, willing to take any job if the price is right. Flint (Scott Adkins) left the assassin game when a ruthless drug dealer's brutal attack left his wife in a coma. When a contract is put out on the cold-blooded drug dealer, both Brazil and Flint want him dead -- one for the money, the other for revenge. With crooked Interpol agents and vicious members of the criminal underworld hot on their trail, these two assassins reluctantly join forces to quickly take out their target before they themselves are terminated. (Original Title - Assassination Games) © 2011 Destination Films Distribution Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

54 recenzií
My Nuts
30. januára 2019
I didn't expect this movie to be any good at all, but man was I wrong. I haven't seen any of Jean-claude Van damme recent movies since Universal Soldier. I think this is one maybe the best movie Van Damme movie in almost 30 years.
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Darlene Rickett
27. apríla 2016
I Love all his movies the fastastic. Genius actor.
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Sergio Garcia
24. apríla 2014
Poor of van damme and scott adkins
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