Jay Dicharry

Jay Dicharry, MPT, SCS, is the Director of the SPEED Clinic and the Motion Analysis Lab at the University of Virginia. Originally from NewOrleans, Jay received his Masters of Physical Therapy degree at Louisiana StateUniversity Medical Center. He is an instructor in the Sports Medicine programand Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency at the University ofVirginia. Jay is a Board Certified Sports Clinical Specialist, and a certifiedcoach through both the United States Track and Field Association and the UnitedStates Cycling Federation. He is widely published in numerous professionaljournals on running gait and biomechanics, lectures nationally to cliniciansand coaches on care of endurance athletes, conducts research on runners, andconsults to individual, USA Track and Field and the US Air Force on athletedevelopment. Jay has a competitive history in swimming, triathlon, cycling, andrunning events on both the local and national level, and has coached athletesfrom local standouts to national medalists. His passion is combining hispersonal, clinical, and research focus to help athletes achieve their fullpotential.