Grid Photo Collage Maker Quick

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
205 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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QuickGrid is a powerful photo grid editor and collage maker. In this app you can add beautiful collage layout and love photo frame with your photos or videos, quick easily to use photo template and collage photo editor video. Offering over 300 free layout, helps you up the number of likes on social platforms!

To welcome the arrival of the 2024 Olympic Games, Quick Grid app added a variety of Olympic-themed materials, Including Olympic Games posters, stickers, backgrounds, etc. Additionally, Added a nature photo frame feature, where you can add natural landscape stickers. Help you create beautiful nature photos.

**Feature Highlights**
◆ Seamless edit your pictures with grid photo editor.
◆ Over 200 collage templates to choose from.
◆ Over 40 stunning effects and beautiful filters are available, and you can combine them on your collage.
◆ Supports select collage background color, change background image, blur collage border.
◆ Create photo collage with music, maker video collage maker.
◆ No limits on video collage duration, video splice as much as you need!
◆ Supports adding up to 20 videos to a collage and saving in up to 2K resolution.
◆ The slideshow feature lets you quickly create music photo videos.


📸 Collage Maker
▪️ Offers a quick and easy way to create photo grids with over 300 layout templates, allowing you to remix up to 20 of your photos, will make your pictures more special. Adjust your photo grid with over 20 aspect ratio options. Use non-linear sliders to fine-tune collage filter, inner and outer margins, blend effect, and corner rounding. Create beautiful compositions that you can share with loved ones and friends to express your feelings.

🎞️ Video Collage
▪️ Allows you to combine photos and videos, to create captivating video collages and crop videos with ease. You can synchronize your video clips so they are all aligned to the same moment in time. Splice videos and create video slideshows with background music, supporting simultaneous playback.

🥰 Text and Sticker
▪️ Easily edit your photo collage and video slideshow with fancy text fonts and curved text. Choose from over 200 designer free fonts and decorate your photo collage with holiday-themed stickers and emoji. You can also add camera photos or DIY pictures as PIP, adding artistic flair to your collage maker creations.

🌟 AI Collage
▪️ You can easily remove backgrounds from up to 15 pictures and remix them into beautiful photo collages.The AI tools include Cartoon Enhancer, Art Effect, AI Enhancement, and Low-light Boost to create amazing photo grid effect.

📸 Photo Editor
▪️ Effortlessly crop, rotate, square, and beautify your photos. Apply a range of effects, including adjusting resizing, applying black-and-white effects, and horizontal and vertical mirroring.

🏞️ Freestyle Scrapbook
▪️ Freely arrange beautiful photo and video collages on a canvas to create unique Pop Art-style artworks. Combine colors, shapes, filters, and media elements to craft stunning pieces of art.

👑 Photo Frame
▪️ You can blend pictures and videos into enchanting collage art using the photo frame maker. Choose from over 40 romantic frames, including heart photo frames, Valentine's Day Themes, Love Frames, Anniversary Designs, and more.

QuickGrid is the perfect tool for creating photo grid, edit your photos or videos, add text, stickers and filter. Save your creations and shares with whomever you want. Or post it on one of the social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Whatsapp, YouTube etc. You will also be able to use it as a story maker.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
5-avg, 2024

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🌟New Features 🌟
🎉 Olympic Games Materials: Added new 2024 Olympic Games themed materials, allowing you to cheer for the Olympics anytime, anywhere!
🌸 Stickers: Added new natural garden stickers to make your photos more vivid and natural, and feel the beauty of nature.
Update now to experience the new features!

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